
Shattering Humanity

The most eclectic epic ever inspired! With the whole globe snowed over, humans are no longer on top of the ladder. Violent aliens have forced humanity into various locations of hiding, and an evil ancient clan reveals itself. Taking control of sanctuaries all over Earth as Mafia Bosses, Dictators, Conquerors, and other forms of leadership, in an attempt to prove which is the strongest amongst them. After being in hiding for three years, humans have begun to acquire "abilities" just from slaying one of these aliens. Shortly after leaving their sanctuary/apocalypse training academy, two old friends, Katsu and Saku, are matched together not only as an academic team, but chosen by the last surviving "Creator of Humanity". Each one is 'blessed' as the vessels for the universe's contemporary forces and use their unique abilities to achieve their own (secretly combative) goals. Accompanying them is a female descendant of the greatest 'unknown' Scandinavian sword fighter. After being revealed to about her destined lineage, and the lost "mythical" history of her highly respected grandmother from the Viking/Valkyrie Age, Shelly is determined to retrieve all of her slain grandmother's stolen weapons from a both physically and magically gifted covenant of witches. If you have a beloved purpose you can't live without, do you truly have any freedom? If you have complete freedom to do or say whatever you desire, do you truly have any purpose worth caring about? [All art is not done by AI but by my good friend Amon-kun] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This series spotlights coincidental parallels between various religious scriptures, and scientific theories but is in no way discrediting or belittling the beliefs of others whether that be Creationist or Evolutionist. The views, ideas, and conversations between characters aren't in any way meant to change anyone's beliefs. The conscious use of certain psychological elements from theistic ideology and out of context holy verses is only to support this fictional plot and it's characters. As well as aid the reader as to how one could theoreticize or philosophicize the plot. Instead of using various conflicting ideologies to shame or undermine those who believe, the intention is for deeper thinking and uniting those who believe peace and tranquility between humanity is most important above all.

SasukEntertainment · Ação
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430 Chs

"Wanna See My Eye Abilty?"

Daisuki: "All my experiences and information were a major influence to the indoctrination of the HFF military academy."

A school bell rings and there is silence. Daisuki lets out another deep sigh.

Daisuki: "Well that's the bell for lunch.

How about this, as an appropriate apology for being late I'll take you all out to eat."

Stomach growls are heard from the teens.

Katsu jumps up from the floor.

Katsu:"I never thought having a big brother was this cool!"

Shelly blushes.

Shelly: "I go wherever Katsu goes."

Saku puts on his bag.

Saku: "Nah, I'm good. I don't hang out with Feds."

Stomach growls are heard from Friend.

Daisuki:(chuckles)"Even for you too pup. How about we get some steaks?"

Katsu swings open the classroom door before he runs out the room.

Katsu:"I bet I can eat more steaks than you Big Bro!"

Shelly chases after him with two backpacks.

Shelly: "Katsu you forgot your bag! Wait!"

As Saku and Friend start walking out they can hear Daisuki.

Daisuki:"Do you really think I'm a Fed?"

They turn around. There's tears in his eyes and snots down his nose.

[Setting] A shuttle train station that looks like one from an airport but 'underground'. It's clean and quiet. Two separate shuttles are picking up and dropping off students, mentors, and civilians.Katsu is sitting on a bench, holding a map with 3 circles labeled Decima, Nona, and Morta that are connected by railways. *You are here* on the second biggest layer labeled "Academy District" within the Nona circle.

Over the intercom a robotic female voice can be heard.

Intercom: "The shuttle to Sister Mountain Decima-Dinery District from Sister Mountain Nona-Academy District. Please be reminded, Sister Mountain Morta is off limits to anyone without a medical emergency or without governmental consent."

Shelly waits impatiently, arms crossed, and foot tapping.

Shelly:"Like, seriously!? He invited us to lunch for being late and now he's late to show up."

Another student with a shutter camera around his neck, hurries past Katsu and Shelly to catch the soon closing shuttle doors.

Tristan:"Hey Katsu! Hey Shell!"

Katsu: "Hey Tristan."

Katsu waves as his acquaintance passes by into the closing shuttle, he then tries to change the subject to calm her down.

Katsu:"Did you know each of the 3 Sister Mountains are named after the Roman versions of the Fate Sisters?"

Shelly looks at him for a sense of confirmation of her feelings towards their teammates.Katsu gives in.

Katsu: "Saku is probably giving Big Bro a hard time, he's kinda exactly the same from when we were kids. He is quiet, unless you antagonize him, and he can't be held down by authority. It's crazy he has one of those eyes. But if Saku really is still good at fighting like he was when we were kids, then he could be a good teammate to help us graduate."

Saku shows up behind him.

Saku: "Wanna see if I still got hands, weakest link?"

Katsu gets startled and Shelly quickly jumps between the two,she stares down Saku as if to let him know that she's always ready for a round 2 of their standoff.

Shelly:"Let me just tell you this, emo, however much you think you love your dog, is 1000x less than how I feel about Katsu."

She sniffs the air and covers her nose.

Shelly: "What's that smell?!"

Katsu sniffs.

Katsu: "I kinda smell it too. It's not that bad."

Daisuki joins them mid-coughing.

Daisuki: "Sorry guys,*cough* me and Saku talked for a bit. *cough*"

Saku looks at his mentor with disappointment.

Saku: "Lightweight"

Friend "ruffs" in agreement.

Daisuki looks around at the wait for the shuttle and then at his new students.

Daisuki:"Well, guess it's a better time than any to show you guys, come on follow me."

He heads in the opposite direction of the graduates. Saku looks back and forth between their captain and his two squadmates. He shrugs then follows Daisuki. Friend tails close behind.

Shelly shouts at them.

Shelly: "No! Where are you going?! We waited here for you guys here! Did you forget you promised us lunch? Are you really our mentor or just some soldier way in over his head as a teacher?"

Without looking back at them and as if ignoring her insults.

Daisuki: "Hey, Lil' Bro."

Katsu stares at him worried. Daisuki turns around revealing his eye in Stage 2.

Daisuki:"Wanna see my eye power?"

Daisuki is showing the young adults his 2nd Stage Iceman eye(the black diamond pupil has "bled" into the cloudy-like pink iris, making it a dark blue color, leaving two dark purple diamonds touching in the center of the dark blue iris)

Daisuki: "Well Lil Bro, do ya wanna see eye powers in person?"

Katsu gets excited and follows after his captain and teammate.

Katsu: "Of course I do!"

Shelly, knowing Daisuki is using Katsu to lure her away from the shuttle, grabs Katsu's hand.

Shelly: "Katsu please. You only had toast this morning, you need to eat lunch."

Katsu turns with a serious face Shelly only sees when he's truly upset

Katsu(upset): "You're not my mom Shelly. I finally get to see what these powers are. If you wanna go get food I'll meet up with you later."

Shelly lets him go and stays looking defeated.

Saku is watching Katsu walk away from something he's never experienced himself, a woman that cares.


Daisuki(to Saku):"There's always time…"

Saku looking at his mumbling mentor looks back in surprise as the tapping of claws is heard.

Shelly fights back tears with her head down. Katsu then stops startled. Friend does a light jog towards Katsu and barks at the boy. 

The dog then runs between him and Shelly. It playfully barks while doing circles.

Friend then calmly walks up to Shelly, he sits properly and pants up at her. Saku is flabbergasted,

Saku(wide-eyed): "No way, he's going to let her…"

Katsu realizes his hypocrisy. Daisuki, watching with his back turned, is slightly smirking as if he planned this.

Daisuki:" …To realize your mistakes."

Shelly's hand pets the dog's head. A tear falls on its snout. The dog's actual eye is shown fixated as it looks up at her beautiful smiling face,

Shelly(tearful whisper): "You're such, such, such a good boy. Thank you."

Running footsteps can be heard and Katsu runs into her and embraces her. Shelly, being stronger only takes a step to stop their momentum, is caught off guard. 

(Comically) Her tears evaporate from how hot and red, like a SunSword, her face gets. 

Katsu: "I'm so sorry Shelly. After all you said in that meeting, I still got caught up in the moment and selfishly left you alone." 

Friend walks back to Saku, sits, and pants like a smile up to his master and their eyes lock. While locked the dog barks cheerfully, and Saku hears a young man's disembodied voice cheerfully say, 

Unknown Voice:"Purpose!" 

Saku breaks eye contact from surprise and looks around.