
Give Me The Woman!

A man cautiously poked his head out of the slightly ajar elevator doors, his senses on high alert as he scanned the hallway for any sign of movement. 

Satisfied that the coast was clear, he swiftly navigated towards the elevator, bearing Elaine's weight on his back. With a deft press of the button, he summoned the elevator to ascend to the 10th floor.

Upon arriving at the designated floor, he approached the specified room and discreetly pressed the doorbell twice. Almost instantly, the door swung open, revealing a figure that could only be described as aged and portly.

"Here she is." The man's voice was low as he carefully lifted Elaine from his back, their unspoken transaction complete.

The older man's lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and desire. "Beautiful," he purred, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips.

Guiding Elaine into the room, the man executed his part, allowing the corpulent CEO to carry out his undisclosed intentions.

Observing Elaine with a prolonged, lecherous gaze, the older man's beady eyes traced her figure before he indulgently removed his shirt, unveiling a substantial belly that seemed almost out of place with the lavish surroundings.

Just as he began to fumble with his pants, the sharp ring of the doorbell reverberated through the room, abruptly disrupting the scene. Not bothering to cover his half-naked form, the man's impatience propelled him towards the door, which he swung open in an instant.

"What is your prob -" The words caught in his throat as he met the unexpected gaze of the person standing before him.

"Mr. Kim!"

"Give me the woman!" The frigidness in Dante's tone sent an involuntary shiver down the older man's spine.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Mr. Kim?" Despite the bravado in his voice, the man harboured a faint inkling of what Dante might be referring to. However, his financial motivations bound him to his actions, rendering him reluctant to release his captive easily.

"Give me her!" Dante's demand echoed, the intensity of his voice surpassing its previous incarnation.

"Yes, sir!" Realisation dawned upon the portly man as he recognised the vast power imbalance between his modest establishment and the colossal Kim Corporation. Monetary gain seemed trivial in the face of the potential obliteration of his career should he arouse Kim's wrath.

Lifting Elaine from the bed, the man moved towards the exit, the contrast between his lecherous actions and the woman's fragility underscoring the stark dichotomy of the situation. As Dante's eyes caught the indecent sight of another man's hands on his beloved, his countenance darkened with a storm of emotions.

"Here you go." Mr. Beck's voice quavered slightly as he transferred Elaine's unconscious form from his back into Dante's waiting arms, his unease palpable.

Gulping nervously, his gaze skittered downwards, seeking refuge in the anonymity of his bare feet, a silent plea for a swift departure from this disconcerting confrontation.

Dante was so angry that his red eyes were glaring at him with fiery intensity, his hands trembling with the urge to lash out. The sight of Mr. Beck, once his father's trusted businessman whom he respect, now felt like a betrayal of the deepest kind. 

"How dare you try to defile my woman?" With that chilling declaration, Dante left the room, carrying Elaine bridal-style, his departing footsteps a fading echo.

Left alone, the portly man grappled with a mounting sense of remorse for his actions, the gravity of his misdeeds now painfully apparent.

A gnawing curiosity plagued him – the enigmatic claim of "my woman" from Dante Kim triggered a cascade of thoughts. Was Elaine Dante's girlfriend, or perhaps his wife? 

The tantalizing allure of conjecture swirled around him, intertwining with the uncertainty that shrouded the girl's identity, an enigma known to all but deciphered by none.

Mr. Beck hastily retrieved his phone, his fingers moving with urgency as he captured a photograph of the scene before him. A subtle smile played on his lips as he gently closed the door, sealing the captured moment within the digital confines of his device.

He drew a number and texted that the work was done. He was more happy with the money he was receiving than not getting a hold of the girl.