
Chapter 1 Hopefully

Professor Ozpin smiles leaving Vale's police station asTy, Yang were hugging Ruby congraulating her for being accepted into Becon Huntman Academy. Ruby Rose was added to the roster of new students. He rechecks his list. Going through his list reading through what he had. "Hopefully"

Professor Glenda Goodwitch a Huntress asks " Professor Ozpin do you really think this is the right choice?"

"Ty already knows what could happen. I trust his choice of letting Ruby in when I went to talk to Her."

True does he know of the situation?"

"I left that up to Qrow to tell. That's what he wanted."

"Wished he just let us tell him"

" Can we stay long enough to council?"

"Right. What would happen when we're at are busiest." Glenda looks over at Professor Ozpin with slight concern.

"Don't worry the students I chose will be fine."

Are you sure this I what she'd wanted"


A knock on the door of Mother May Barry. An old woman was doing her paper work she calmly says "Come in" The door opens. "How may I help you-" Her eyes a glow " Ren! Nora!" Getting up from her seat making haste with arms wide open hugging them. "It's been far too long you both had school and graduated?" She nods as she remembers " Yes you both did" Hugging their Mother back. "Great Gods blessing brought you both back. Nora eyes tears up. "Nora my brightest Sun in the sky what's wrong?"

" Me too!"

Mother May berry still smiling " Missing a few sentences love."

Ren smiles shows her his Scroll as Nora did the same. Mother May Berry looks at the Scroll they both read the same thing. She hugs and gave them kisses "Your journey is no longer a thought but a beginning that you created for yourself. Let's see how the story goes. I can't wait to see you two graduate a make new friends.

"Oh!" Nora picks up Mother May Berry in a not-to-strong hug. "Thank you for everything!"

"There is no length I wouldn' go to insure all my children's dreams come true."

Ren with tears in his eyes embraces his Mother. "We will never forget you"

Mother May Berry smiles with more tear than she could count "You both need to smile and know together you are never alone."

Wiess Schnee was in the middle of fighting the Amorgigous. Whitley her younger brother looks upon the fight and notice a weakness of Wiess. "Id she gets hit then I was right. Wiess indeed got punched in the face. Winter, the elder sister of Wiess, glances over at Whitley before focusing her attention back to the fight. In the end Wiess won the fight. She turns and bows as Whitley claps.

"FINE THEN" Jauques shout with anger. " You have proven yourself that you can go to Beacon." He stomps off as Whitney follows. Leaving the training room. Wiess looks up with hope in her eyes. Winter walks down from the steps to reach her. "Klien please prepare tea for us in the center garden.

Klien smiles and bows. He leaves as the two catch up. He witness Jauques anger shouting as Whitney, learns endures it with a smile. Following with no resistance. But his true feelings he couldn't hide from Klien. Making thier way to the center of the garden Winter and Wiess happily chat.

Winter smiles with confidence. "Wiess I have to say there were a few strikes with your form but you did really well. I won't lie when Father is watching it's harder to focus. The same with me when I too rebel against staying home. Yet here you are ready to make you way to Beacon Huntsman academy. " Winter places her hands on Wiess's. "You'll be ready for anything." Wiess smiles, as she took her seat in the garden

Happy Klien came over to give them there coffee and snacks. "We'll all happy that you pass my Lady.

Winter laughs a little "You don't have to be so formal since Father isn't around.

Down the hall Jauques asks Whitley "So you notice anything wrong with Wiess's fighting?

Whitley smiles. "Well Father she may not be good at fighting those who fight with weapons in both hands. I notice that during her training with Winter that she good at fighting multiple summons, but once the summons like the Armor used another way of fighting she gets injured the most. The Armor did have two hands but she seemed quite focus on the sword she forgot about the hand. The element of surprise seemed to be the way she wins. Makes sense with her-

"Do you think she'll be ok? With that shame!" His voice booms

Calm voice Whitley answers "She won't be alone Father! Wiess will be on a team with 3 others." With no answer Whitley prepares for what came next. But to his surprise Jauques jesters him with a hand signal to be dismissed for the rest of the day. Whitley bows "Yes father." Whitley waits for Jauques to walk away before moving. Whitley looks at his watch making his way swiftly through the halls. Down stairs to the ground floor into the kitchen. He markets the chiefs. They passing him a tray with a tall glass of water, medicine and a small vase for decor.

He thanks them before leaving.

"Every day without fail" one of the chiefs said.

" Feeling sad for the young master."

Whitley walks with the tray down the hall. He looks out the window to see Winter and Wiess.

'Look at them Whitley!' An angry voice tells him

'They seem to be having a great time as always' ,an enthusiastic voice says 'I wonder why they are so happy? Oh yeah Wiess won didn't she.'

'Ugh!' The once angry voice now became annoyed 'They only see their world. How unbelievable. Shameless they are.'

A quiet voice spoke 'We should keep going.'

Whitley walks away from the terrible site.

He opens the door to the garden.

Willow Schnee twirling her wine glass " So you won Wiess. Great news." She gets up slowly trying not to wobble. "It's about time you came to me-" She was shock to see Whitley. Only to remember "Oh" Whitley smiles going towards her. "It's that time again" She rolls her eyes very disappointed with the results "Just place it down over on the table and go play." She told him as she went back to sitting in the chair facing away from him.

Use to it Whitley places everything in its proper place on the trau. " We'll you weren't wrong Mother she did succeed on going to Beacon. Also these medicine side affects aren't so bad but best-

"Not to drink it with Wine. Yes Whitley I know you can leave. You sound too much like your Father. Nothing but a broken record. Anything else in their. Rhetorical sweetie don't answer. Mommy isn't the mood right now go play."

Whitley fixes himself placing a flower in the mini vase. He bows "Feel better Mother!" She grunts as he leaves. Closing the door with disappointment.

The calm female voice told him ' Don't take it so personally. She does love you. The regret is there.

Walking down the hall he sees his sisters having fun talking together. He glares in disgust and Envy.

The angry voice was less aggressive telling him ' Don't look at them. They couldn't imagine what you are trying to do. Always thinking of themselves as victims and never anyone else.

Energetic voice laughs " let's keep going then! This site only good with Klien!"

Whitley checks his watch he continues to down the long hallways. Until he reaches a darker part of the castle. That had old painted pictures of Shcnees. One had a picture of lady with Black eyes and long black hair she was smiling. At the bottom of the painting was an inscription. It read:

Even my death won't stop our love Nic

- Twilight Clause Schnee

There was door at the end of the hall. He unzips his vets taking out a key placing it in. The door opened. With a large computerized voice "welcome back Master Whitley. "Hopefully. They'll understand I will never be left behind." He goes inside the room. The sound of the doors closing and locking echos on death ears.

In an abandon ruins. A campfire was put out. As a girl just finished killing Grimm. She was wearing mostly black with a white dress shirt and black bow. She let's out a sigh. "I can't keep living like this...I can't go home." She leaned against the wall. "Home where is that if this doesn't work. What good can I do if-" Her Scroll went off. She looks at it. Sliding down the wall. "I was excepted." She gather her things and leaves forthe rondevue point for Beacon pick up.

It a near by town. Blake goes to look at her bank. She smiles " Thanks Dad." With time to spare she went to buy some books, note books and schooling supplies and extra clothes. She made her way to the pick up when by chance looking down a random ally she saw White Fang member run past. She stared to breath heavily. 'Is Adam coming for me!' She thought. Forcing her way to the th spot she showed the Scroll they gaurd let her board. "Hopefully I can make different.

Pyhrra gave her mother a kiss. As her mother. Was happier than her. "Pyhrra don't let the voices of other that love your past victories define all of wjo you are.' She kissed her daughter giving her a hug. As her mother's eye glow green.

Goodbye mother call you soon." Pyhrra leaves to get on the air ship to Becon. Her mother waves with a smile on her face. When the ship was too far in the horizon. Her mother walks the street of Aurgus. From the take off. She walks proudly in her snowcoat. She people congraulating her daughter.

I knew Pyhrra could do it!

"You should be very proud!"

"Can't wait to her bring home her Huntress license"

Her mother thanks them. Walking the streets her head started to slowly desend. Thinking really hard.

"Msr. Olive Nikkos!

"Yes" she stumbles

It was there neighbor Mr. Jay Silver. A kind horned fanus who . " You had another vision dear?"


"You hear everything. You rarely misses a sound. Been calling you for a minute before you pauses looking at you key."

She walks over to Jay's side of the fence." Yeah I can't get it out of my head. My visions never come true. And I never wanted to increase the skill.

"Fools past mistakes carry on to the next generation of others."

She smiles a little. " There was fire everywhere in a place i never been before. I couldn't see everything it happened so fast." She started to get frantic." Oh Jay it happened as I was hugging Pyhrra goodbye. Then there was gold and nothing.

"Why don't I bring you something for dinner for the next few nights doesn't look like your going to be cooking."

"Thank! Best not to have feakouts on such a beautiful evening outside. I can't wait to try what you have." She looks up to see him smiling at her. " I'll set a timer and rest" She blushes.

"Bother you when I HIKE over."

Olive rolls her eyes fake punching him in the shoulder. "I'll be awake." They laugh waving goodbye. Unlocking the door. She closes and locks it. Walking past a room. That held pictures of Phyrra from younger years to older winning trophy after medals. " They never made you happy. Only the thought of saving others. Is the only Trophy you ever needed" closing the door. In her bed room she lays in bed "Hopefully" Looking at a picture of Phyrra as a young girl holding a boy with dark skin, green eyes and long red hair smiling back. "We miss you Papyrus please be safe."

"I did it!" Jaune Arc stood up. Before grabbing a child that was napping he almost had gall on the floor. A few of his sisters were looking around him confused


No Beacon Huntsman academy!"

Oh my Gods no way! MOM! Jaune got into Beacon.

"Really? That's Lovely " She ran over to kiss him on the cheek. "My baby poo"

Mom! I'm too old for these kid names." As his mother continues to kiss and squeeze him tight. The front door opens as His father came in.

"Good evening my Darlings." His wife jumps him first with a kiss. " How everything going what news is brought

I gor into Beacon Academy. Jaune says happily."

His father smiles hugging him "See all you had to do was try hard." He stops "I'm sorry that you're Mother and I didn't think you were ready. It was our fault that you might've lost your dream. But does that mean that you were able unlock again?"

"Umm well not exactly. But I'll definitely tell you when it happends."

"I so lucky that you're sturdy"

"Thanks to us" Opal one of Jaune's older sisters smiles as he husband a Stallion faunus rubs her pregnant belly

"Yes I give everyone who help me all the credit." Jaune hallpy jokes

"Darn right you do"

"Why don't we celebrate and tel lthe family. "

"Ready your Scroll for blow ups Jaune. " other one of his sisters out of site calls out."

"To the kitchen" Mother told them. Everyone gets up ready to make a feast. Leaving only two. " I thought the plan was to go to Shade where your Thoe owes Esbin a favor"

"It was I need to call to let them both know Beacon the hardest one to get in let my son in. How? Easy family.

"What do you think they told him to write down that would catch the mysterious head master attention"

"Perhaps something he has yet to profect in skills.


"They better not. Well he'll have no choice but to be ready."They walk to the kitchen table as restless children squirm on there seat. Most of them crawling on Jaune for attention.

"Hopefully love!" She kisses him and hoes to finish cooking a few of thier daughters son in-laws help.

"Yes everything is going according to plan. I masonry have half of ,it but the hunger is strong. I can feel her so faraway yet the rest of my power is closer. Quite the bond." She waited until the response was done. "Don't worry we have everything we need thanks to your help and others. Yes we found a forth person to fill in the gap and she works for Me. Don't worry It'll get done It's a guarantee victory." The lady smiles as her amber eyes burns a flame.