
Chapter 10

This one is pretty gory so if you don't want to read it then move to the other chapter, if you want then it's up to you... Author PleadingCat speaking..

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Raul sighed as he sat on his bed, he clenched his fist as he remembers what Amir has said. The pain that he experienced 5 years ago suddenly came back.


"Damn it!"

His knuckles became swollen as he shook his head. A while later, he calmed himself down as he laid on the bed, he gently closed his eyes as he made a deep breath.

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A girl around 4 to 5 years old runs to a Raul. Her light and silky-like hair flutter along with the wind as she runs towards him.

"Oh, my sweet girl what's that on your hand?"

"Hehe, papa I found this flower in the garden it's pretty isn't it?"

"It is very pretty like my baby, here let me put it on your ears"

Raul pats her head as he lightly grabs the flower and slowly places it in between the gap of her ear.

"See, my baby is very beautiful just like her mother"

"Hehe, then daddy pwamis me to always be their, okiee?"

Her pleading eyes suddenly made Raul smile as he gently holds her hip as he pulled her upward, the bright light shines behind her.

"Of course sweetie"

"Papa! Papa! Look It's a butterfly!"

Her cute and high-pitched voice rang as she pointed at a colorful flower, a pink-colored butterfly can be seen lying on its leaf as its wings slowly move.

"Then let's go and see the butterfly"


They slowly approach the flower as not to surprise the butterfly.

"Go and see if you can capture the butterfly but don't harm it ok?"

"Yes, papa!"

As she approaches the butterfly, the cloud suddenly turned red, the beautiful flowers that are fragrantly blooming suddenly turned pale and went completely dark as they slowly crumble.

The scene suddenly changed as he saw her daughter being held by a man, he looked down as he saw her wife lying beside the man as her body was covered with blood, her dull eyes indicated that she was already dead.

He glanced at the man who's holding his daughter, the man was holding her by the neck as he maniacally chuckles.

"It's been a while since I've smelled the scent of blood, the beauty of killing someone is truly irresistible hehe!"

"Put her down!"

"Oh so you're still alive, here I thought you're already dead when I stabbed you at the back, well it's more fun this way, you can watch your daughter die in front of you hehe"

He lifts his knife as he gently licks the bloody handle, he neared the knife beside the girl's cheek as gently places the knife's blade, blood drips off of her cheeks as the knife touched her cheeks.

When Raul saw this, he crawled on the ground as his nails scratch the floor, he didn't care about the pain he's experiencing as his daughter is much more important than his life, he had lost a wife and now he doesn't want to lose his only daughter.

His eyes gleamed with hate as he crawled nearer to the man.

"Hehe, look at you! Pretending to be strong"

The man kicked Raul as he stomps on his back.


"Awww~ How cute look at your papa he can't even protect you, look at your mother, look! She's now dead hehe, don't you hate your papa he didn't even manage to protect his family hehehe!"

The man banged her head on the floor as he wipes her on her mother's blood.

"Ahh~ This is so good, so relaxing, this is the life that I always want hehe"

Raul reaches his hand on his daughter but was met with a stamp, he's losing too much blood but his daughter's safety is what keeps him from losing his consciousness, he didn't even care about anything, his hate came second but his daughter came first.

He grabbed the man's boots as he hardly lifts it, he then pulled the man over him, the man was caught off guard as he stumbled near Raul.

Raul took the opportunity to try and snatch the knife out of the man, he pulled the man's arm as he tried to lock his arm, he then pulled the knife off him, because of a sudden adrenaline rush he felt that his body become stronger, the pain he felt was still there but the only thing he has now is to save his daughter and kill the man.

"You f*cking sh*t!"

The man roared as he freed himself from Raul's lock, he didn't even care that his arm was snapped from the other way.

He looked at his broken arm as he evilly smiles, he readjusted his arm as a strong cracking was heard in the room.

"You are pretty interesting, you still have the power to fight even with that current condition of yours, hehehe you're truly one of a kind hehe! If you've taken the opportunity to stab the knife on my head then I'm already dead but you didn't.."

He cracked his head as he creepily smiled at Raul, he then glanced at Raul's daughter as he madly laughs.

"You hated me but you didn't kill me hahaha what an amusing fellow!"

He walks out of the room as the maniacal laugh became fainter and fainter, when Raul saw this he suddenly crawl his way upon his daughter as he gently lifts her and puts her in his thighs.

Her head is bleeding continuously as her eyes went very dull.

"Here baby daddy is here for you, h-here baby"

Raul caresses her hair as tears fall over her head, her eyes are very dull and her skin looks very pale.


"Everything is gonna be fine, papa is here"

"It hurts pa..pa"

"I-I know baby, so just c-close your eyes and rest, let papa do the rest"


When he hears what she said he glanced at his wife who was lying on a pool of blood, she was stabbed in the chest seven times but she still fought the man to protect her daughter but sadly she still died.

"Mommy is gonna be fine just close your eyes and you'll be fine"

"T-Then papa I want to... sleep and after I wake up.. Mama will make my... Favorite food.."

"Y-yes baby mama and papa will make you that..."

She smiled at Raul as she gently closes her eyes, Raul can't stop crying as he tried to stop the blood that continues to flow on his daughter's head, he tears his clothes off to cease the blood from gushing out but to his dismay, his daughter is already gone.


His eyes were red as he lifts her daughter, he didn't even imagine that the last thing he would see his daughter smile was when she was already gone.

- - - - - -

It's already morning and the just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

Raul opened his hazy eyes as the light of dawn seeped into his room, he rubbed his bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky.

"This dream again"

He always dreams of this every time he sleeps, this all started when he fought with Betch and his crew, there is something peculiar happening on and he can't pinpoint what exactly it is.

A sudden knock on the door disrupts his thought. He went to open the door and saw Amir standing in front of him.

"About last night..."

"It's fine"

"Hmm... Fine then, about the Eyepatch Pirates, we have traced their location"

I'm back after a week of not updating my work, you think I dropped this? Then think again because it's me PleadingCat!

PleadingCatcreators' thoughts