
Shards of Sin: The Demon-Wolf

Hati was a man who had very little control over his emotions, to the point where it ruined his life. That is until he met a woman by the name of Luna. Through a mysterious connection between Luna and Hati, Hati gains back control of his emotions. After his experience of losing control of himself, combined with several betrayals, Hati develops a dominating and controlling personality. Unfortunately, he is betrayed again and ends up dying together with his wife, Luna. Follow Hati as he is reborn in a world by the name of Asgard, where he finds out the reason for his uncontrollable emotions, searches for Luna, grows stronger and fights against the forces of fate through sheer domination and strength. *********** Hey everyone, this is my first novel. I hope you all like it, but I’m always interested in constructive criticism. Before you start reading, though, let me clarify a few things. Contains some spoilers about Luna: First of all, I gave it the anti-hero tag because Hati does not have an evil master plan. That said, Hati is a guy who will do anything to protect those he cares for while generally ignoring everyone else, so a hero he is not, anti or otherwise. Luna, who will be accompanying Hati for most of the novel, is technically the same, but the only person she cares for is Hati, at least at first. Her morals are also much more villain-like than Hati’s. Secondly, the R18 stuff. Hati is generally dominant and controlling, something that will especially shine through in the first few smut chapters. That will mellow down a little, though, but the first few times are actually important for the story. Lastly, there will be no NTR, but there will be some lesdom, though never romantically. Luna simply loves to dominate other women, and she never does so without Hati’s permission. You can freely skip the R18 stuff, as I will make sure to keep any plot progression out of it. It is just for flavour. Thirdly, it’s a bit of a slow burn as Hati grows up and learns about the world, but after he finds Luna, things will pick up. Luna will then become an almost constant companion for the rest of the novel. Last but not least, I hope you enjoy reading!

KWolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Chapter 1 -The end

A large, Victorian-style stood on a cliff overlooking one of Norway's many fjords. Very few people knew this mansion existed because this fjord had long since been declared unsafe for the public. A lie that was only strengthened by the fact that anyone curious enough to explore the area disappeared without a trace.

The truth, however, is that the mansion was occupied by one of the most powerful couples in the world, Hati Gunnulf, and his wife, Luna Gunnulf. Hati and Luna were well-known mercenaries and fixers, happy to work for both criminals and governments. That said, there usually was little difference. 

In the last twenty years, they had established themselves as the best of the best through sheer ruthlessness, intelligence and some peculiar abilities that no one understood and most believed didn't exist.

When they were not out on a job, they lived in their mansion with several live-in maids Luna had personally trained. Something she took great joy in, as she was an ardent lover of BDSM and dominating people in general, something that her ability reflected. 

Unfortunately, Hati was equally as dominant, and a relationship between two such people was usually difficult to sustain, which was why their first meeting had been quite stormy. But it seemed that fate had decided to interfere because, after their first meeting, a strange connection had been established between them. 

This connection had two effects they noticed, one of which was causing Luna to feel much more submissive towards Hati, severely reducing her desire to dominate him. The other had to do with Hati's mental state.

Hati Had suffered from a strange mental disorder from the moment he was born, causing effects similar to bipolar disorder, with heavy mood swings generally going between an inviolable pride, inextinguishable wrath and unquenchable lust.

Naturally, this had ruined his life quite thoroughly. He started gaining control over himself only after meeting Luna and establishing their connection. Although neither knew where this connection came from, they assumed it had something to do with the fact that they were the only two in the world to have access to strange abilities. Or at least, for as far as they knew.

Even though Hati had much more control over himself now, his lust was still relatively high, and combined with his and Luna's desire to dominate, it wasn't hard to guess what the primary duty of the mansion's live-in maids was.

  Most of the maids had been made adequately aware of their responsibilities before being hired. Some, however, were former enemies who were paying for their mistakes. After entering the mansion, there was generally no way out for the maids, as neither Hati nor Luna was willing to let them go after they were considered theirs.

Tonight should have been a night like all the others, if a bit stormy. However, the normally harmonious mansion was currently in a tense situation as an intruder pointed his gun at Hati, who was standing between the intruder and his wife, Luna. Hati was currently half-naked with his chest uncovered, clearly showing his well-defined muscles and broad chest. He was a large human specimen, standing at a whopping 2.05 meters (6'7). 

Combined with his broad build, he truly looked like a tank in human form. He had neck-length white hair, a well-kept beard, piercing blue eyes, and a slightly square face. You wouldn't consider him the personification of a male model, but he was certainly handsome enough.

Meanwhile, Luna wore a leather dominatrix outfit. She was a relatively tall woman in her own right, standing at 1.8 meters (5'9), with long, straight blond hair, an oval face, and almond eyes, sporting green-coloured irises. Her body, though not too exaggerated anywhere, was still very thick and perky in all the right places. 

Overall, where Hati was just relatively handsome, Luna could easily be considered one of the most beautiful women on Earth, even though both were already nearing the age of 50. That being said, everyone who knew her knew not to underestimate her because of her beauty; she was also one of Earth's most ruthless and intelligent people.

Just before the intruder came, she and Hati were about to engage in some play with a few of their maids, who were currently cowering in the corner, afraid of the man with the gun. Now, Luna was still hiding behind Hati, even though she hated that she couldn't do anything. Her ability, unfortunately, wasn't helpful in this situation. 

So far, she had just been looking at the intruder with cold eyes, confident in the knowledge that a regular gun couldn't harm her husband.

"Who are you, and how the hell did you get in here?" Growled Hati as he started to inch closer to the intruder, knowing that the gun couldn't harm him as long he could keep his calm.

The intruder, who had a spark of insanity in his eyes, gave a derisive sneer and said, "I am nobody, not anymore. As for how I got here, when you have nothing left to lose, are determined to get revenge, and have enough resources to burn, even the mighty Hati and Luna aren't safe from betrayal in the ranks."

Hati immediately felt his anger flare up but quickly suppressed it, knowing he would lose control over the only ability keeping him safe right now.

"Who betrayed me?!" He asked through clenched teeth as he kept inching closer to the intruder, hoping to get into close enough range to tackle the intruder without endangering his wife, who was still behind him.

"Hmpf, does it even matter anymore? You'll be dead soon enough. And don't think I don't see what you're doing. I did my research before coming here. I know all about your abilities..." he said as a wicked grin appeared on his face, "and their weaknesses!"

Saying so, he quickly moved his gun away from Hati and started firing at the maids in the corner, instantly killing two of them. Hati, who saw this, immediately lost the internal struggle of trying to control his anger and started to charge toward the intruder.

Luna immediately lost her confidence and yelled, "No! Hati, don't lose your cool!"

But it was too late. Hati lost his calm and let anger take control, thereby losing his first ability and activating the second one, which, unfortunately, was not of much use in this situation.

The intruder started laughing wildly as he swung his weapon back towards Hati and began firing into his muscular upper body. 

Hati, however, kept charging as if he didn't feel the pain or even the impact of the bullets until he crashed straight into the intruder, launching him across the hallway and into the wall on the other side, causing the intruder to cough up a mouthful of blood.

Hati, meanwhile, sunk to his knees as he finally started to lose strength in his legs. The intruder chuckled weakly as he whispered, "They were right. You are only protected from normal bullet fire when you are calm. But when you lose your cool, you gain great strength in return for losing your protection. I don't know where your abilities came from, but it doesn't matter anymore. I've finally avenged m-"


Before he could finish his sentence, he was shot in the stomach. He groaned and looked up, only to see Luna, her eyes bloodshot and her face covered in tears, cradling Hati's body while holding the gun he dropped when Hati tackled him.


She screamed as she emptied the last few remaining bullets into the intruder. The intruder groaned, and with his last breath, he said, "This is fine too. I accomplished my revenge by killing both of you, hehe."

Luna, at first confused by his last words, then felt a sharp pain in her stomach and wetness trickling down her thighs. She looked down only to see a large bullet hole in the middle of her stomach as she suddenly coughed up some blood.

But instead of despairing at the situation, she laid down on the floor next to Hati, who had lost the ability to move or talk but was still holding on to his last breath as he looked at the love of his life, someone he felt immensely thankful for, as her entry into his life had signified the moment he gained control of himself.

She looked back at him, and they started smiling, many words going unsaid in that moment, and yet, neither of them felt discontent about the life they led.

But then, the moment they both let out their last breath, it was as if time had suddenly stopped. The blood stopped flowing, raindrops kept hanging in mid-air, and the fleeing maids halted in their tracks. 

Then, a soft light started glowing above the corpses of husband and wife, and an ethereal voice was heard sighing.

"Sigh, what the hell happened here? And where even am I?"

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think!

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