

Max had lived a normal life, oblivious to the fact that humanoid monsters which named themselves 'Shapeshifters' existed all around the world hidden within society. As he grew up Max followed a path in life normal to humans but in doing so he accidentally became one of the shapeshifters, this turn of events revealing to him a different side of the world he thought he knew. (For people that might've stumbled upon the novel as of now I am rewriting it)

Cozma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs


Max had an enjoyable day alongside Dylan and the other two. He was excited to look around the academy campus and while doing so he even spared a few rounds with Dylan to get his body moving again. Not being able to leave his room was too much for Max to endure, everything got extremely boring in quick succession and so being able to leave his room felt like a huge breather.

It was already night though and the group of four were returning to the first-year dorms. Dylan, Ernie, and Bryce were walking slower than Max, always staying a meter or so behind him, making it look like they were following him instead of walking with him.

Dylan suddenly stopped though and right after Ernie and Bryce did the same, looking at Dylan which looked concerned, furrowing his eyebrows. "It's about time. Go back to your room and take your shield… Maybe dress into something more respectful if you have those kinds of clothes."

Everybody knew what was going to be next on the list for today but both Bryce and Ernie felt surprised and the former managed to ask Dylan first.

"The night is still so young, why is the leader so rushed?"

"Maybe he just wants to get this over with as he has more important things to do" Ernie commented but he said so in a joking tone, not harboring any ill intent.

"Don't joke around about stuff like this you idiot" Dylan felt more offended than Max who turned to face them, walking backward at a similar pace.

"It's nothing big, after all, there isn't any other choice. If I run, I'll be killed; but if I go there, I'll at least get a living chance." Max replied while looking at Ernie who found fun in the only thing pressuring him at the moment.

"I wouldn't stress it that much, if you do and get frightened it will make you look like a wimp. I know that you are not one Max so don't act like one" Surprisingly it was Ernie who gave Max a boost in confidence, the latter was not expecting that.

"S-sure… thanks for the kind words" His fluster was easily perceivable in his speech, it was a real shock for him even if he knew that Ernie began behaving differently; more friendly, toward Max ever since a few days ago.

The group reached the dorms and Max was the only one that got inside, going to his room, and changing into the clear light armor which he kept as a spare. He went to the bathroom to release all the stress bottled up in him before taking his shield and going outside where, not surprisingly, were his three companions waiting for him.

"Alright, I am ready." With a deep breath, Max announced; waiting for them to show the way.

Dylan swiftly moved after hearing Max's voice though, already pacing towards the middle where the academy building was situated. Ernie and Bryce took after him in less than a second, leaving Max behind.

'Wait for me dammit!' Max swore in his mind as even shouting wasn't enough to make those three hear him.

He took off as well, going toward the direction where they headed to, finding it difficult to keep them in sight. Max ran with all his might before getting surprised by the sudden change in the trajectory of those he followed which turned right as they reached the front of the academy, going alongside its walls.

'Shit!' Max felt scared on the inside but he kept his calm appearance on the outside, a tint of yellow appearing in his eyes. He used his shoes at their maximum, even managing to tore them off as he stopped right before hitting the wall of the academy, bursting forward with a noticeable higher speed than before, leaving slight cracks with each step he took.

After reaching the end of the wall the same thing happened but this time Max wasn't as concerned anymore, his concentrated gaze didn't leave any of his targets out of his vision as he strived to chase them until he caught them.

Dylan who was in front was greatly surprised by Max. Knowing that they had to speed up in order to keep a distance between them and him. 'This is going to be fun' He thought while executing the orders given by the leader. This was one of the trials he thought of for Max and it was simple but effective.

Werewolves had strong instincts meaning that they were one of the most powerful strengths for them, especially for a new werewolf. This little chase was made to awaken his predatory instinct, giving him a taste of it at the beginning so he can learn to control it at a sooner stage rather than at a later one.

Max chased after the group of three, ever so slightly increasing his speed, getting accustomed to the wave of power that suddenly hit him. Max felt strange, not being able to place a finger on what was happening but he was surely enjoying this chase; for him, it was exhilarating and amusing.

After lapping around the academy for who knows how many times the group of three made their way into the academy and Max followed suit, not yet being able to grasp control over the strange feeling.

Max has just entered the academy before noticing that he wasn't able to spot any of the three, making him feel flustered upon the realization.

'Where are they!' Max angrily thought while checking the main hall of the building. He stared into the darkness which he could see through with ease all of a sudden. He looked around but he wasn't able to see anyone or anything at all, feeling disappointed.

A scraping sound faintly sounded and his ears picked it up with ease, upon doing so Max jerked his head towards a certain direction as his confidence rose up once more. He moved forward, making his way to the end of the hallway where the stairs to the second floor were. He checked them out, not finding anything wrong with them but a sudden smell made him look behind the stairs where he noticed another set of stairs going downwards.

'This building has a basement?' Max wondered; his predatory instinct was slowly overtaken by curiosity as the glow in his eyes subsided, once again gaining their original colors.

He made his way down the stairs which were smooth but unlike the stairs that lead above these stairs were made out of stone, the walls as well. Heck! Everything was made out of stone in this place and it was pretty cold because of it.

Max was slightly shivering but he didn't feel that he should turn back because of it, satisfying his curiosity was first on his list.

He got to the bottom of the stairs after a few minutes, breathing in and out at the sight he just stumbled upon. The hidden stairs went pretty deep underground, leaving a lot of free space for structures to be built down there; one such case being the hall that presented itself to Max.

The hall was extremely tall being around 10 meters in height as Max gave an approximate size to it. From side to side there were pillars that had a great number of holes where humongous wisps were sitting, illuminating the place in strong light. The wisps were big and Max hasn't seen any of them so big before, Max easily being able to round their size to about half a meter.

Max felt the urge to inspect everything from top to bottom and after doing so he noticed the three individuals which had lured him here. He didn't care about such a thing anymore as he was wondering what was going to happen.

Max paced his way towards them, showing a confused expression as he approached them; finally being close enough for a normal conversation to commence.

"What is this place?" Max asked, his voice echoing in the empty hall.

Dylan was the only one that showed a sign of responding to Max, placing his index finger over his lips before pointing towards the door on which Max found a familiar symbol.

'The beast fang' He said what he saw on the stone door, the carving on it resembling the emblem of the group. He approached the door, trying to act confidently in his actions before pushing on the door; feeling a bit of resistance because of its weight but being able to open it nonetheless.

Sorry for not releasing a chapter yesterday, had some guests and wasn't able to write it. Today is going to be a two-chapter release to compensate for it though.

I will remind everyone of the extra chapter I am going to do for each ten power stones I get per week. The extra chapters will be released at the weekly reset.

Hope you had a great day so far.

Cozmacreators' thoughts