
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Sneaking out

It was her first time doing something of this sort and she was humming in excitement as she quickly changed into the black robes that she had found in the chest.

She felt vain as she admired her figure in the mirror for a while before finally arming herself. A thin sword had been hidden with the robe and she unsheathed it and swung it around for a bit before hanging it on her belt.

She also hid away the dagger and scroll before putting on her mask and swallowing one of the three pills that Ren had given to her.

Her head immediately felt heavy as a boat load of information suddenly flooded her mind making her hiss as she shut her eyes in pain.

A minute later she opened up eyes revealing a different expression as she stood up before walking out the room through a secret passageway.

Her body seemed to have transformed into a cat's as she leaped from building to building with a feline grace. Even the slight draft only served accentuate the image as her hair blended into her black robes hiding her away from unwanted eyes.

It did not take long for her to rush to the other side of town she didn't have to look for long before finding the mansion Ren had mentioned.

She stared at the magnificent mansion and it's well coordinated guards before she discovered an opening and immediately swooped in.

According to Ren she was supposed to hand the scroll over to the owner of this mansion. Which had sounded as an easy task but would be difficult seeing how huge this place was.

She lay on the roof of one of the many structures and peered down wondering how she was supposed to find him when she saw a familiar face.

Her attention was immediately drawn to a limping young man who was yelling at a group of people who looked like servants.

"Find her or I will tell my grandfather about this!" His saliva was splattering everywhere as he furiously yelled before stomping into the room behind him and slamming the door.

She smiled and patiently waited for the group to leave before she jumped down and looked around the courtyard and walking up to the door and knocking.

"Don't look for me if you have not found her!" an angry voice yelled from inside showing just how much find her was important to him.

"But we have" she answered timidly and silently waited as she heard some shuffling noises before the door was pulled open.

His figure seemed to momentarily freeze after he saw who was at the door before his mouth shot open probably to call out for someone only to fail as she stuffed a handful of dirt into his mouth and kicked him into the room.

She seemed to have made quite an impression on him as he had been able to recognize her even with a mask on.

He stumbled in and immediately spit out some soil and coughed loudly trying to clear his throat. She watched the spectacle nonchalantly before walking deeper into the room.

It was bigger than her room back at the pavilion as it was separated into different areas. A reading desk, chair and scrolls were put in the centre of the room.

With a side table a few feet away that held a table which held a complete tea set and snacks where he would presumably snack in between breaks.

What seemed to be his sleeping area was obstructed by a translucent curtain but one could still see the distinct silhouette of a bed behind it.

Another partition was put on the other side probably hiding the bathing and changing area. She had to admit the room was aesthetically pleasing with dark and wooden tones covering majority of the furniture.

He seemed to feel better after taking a sip water at least that is what she believed as he now had the energy to glare at her.

"Who are you and what are you doing?" he questioned protectively blocking her from the rest of his room.

"I heard you were looking for me so here I am" she answered.

He seemed to believe her answer and was now frowning as he contemplated what to do with her as he had finally found his assailant.

His eyes scanned her figure and remembered the last time he had met her. It was the first time he had been beaten up so bad that he regretted slipping away from his guards.

She seemed so small and vulnerable but he now knew how much power was hidden within her svelte figure. Her confidence also scared him into quickly letting out a yell for his guards.

He did not want to be in the same room as her all alone and was happy when a dozen military dressed guards immediately stormed in surrounding her.

She seemed calm as she stared at their drawn swords before looking up at him mockingly prompting one of them to attack.

She immediately moved when the sword appeared at her side before sliding away from the attack like an agile fish in water.

Even though she was surrounded she was still able to evade them all showing the beauty of her movement techniques.

This seemed to rouse all the previously watching guards who all started to attack all trying to take her down but failing giving them even more motivation to beat her.

Everything seemed to be working in her favor before the noise from the scuffle drew in a few experts who immediately flew in for the fight.

All the other guards stepped away to the side and watched as their role models worked together to beat the intruder.

She seemed to have finally met her match as the two experts managed to enclose her between them and slowly fought to put her down.

"That is enough call out for him." Ren's voice sounded in her head just as one of the blades got to close for comfort.

She blocked the attack and encased her sword with spiritual qi before parrying of the attack and kicking the other expert away from her.

All the other spectators were shocked as they watched their revered geniuses fly away from the figure who stood tall before letting out an earth shattering bellow.

"Come out now before I kill them!" a soft female voice sounded over the whole mansion as she walked up to one of the men before pulling him down below her and placing the blade against his neck.

Everything seemed to come up to a stop as everyone silently watched with other people filing into the courtyard watching the spectacle.

Chen Liju stood there silently as if all the elegance of the world had converged on her! It was completely dazzling scene for all who observed her.

Her black silky hair was tied up neatly with a simple jade hairpin which glowed as it reflected the moon as it shined down brightly lighting up the scene.

A black silvery mask lay on her face covering up her face leaving only her beautiful eyes and pink plump lips uncovered.

Her neck was like a beautiful swan's proudly holding up her head. Below it her sleek shoulders curved out beautifully covered with shiny black material giving off a rebellious vibe.

She seemed to be personally curved by the gods as her ample chest naturally formed a curve that flowed down to her tiny waist.

That would make ants jealous making her slightly wide hips and perfectly sized rear form an elegant curve that only served to further perfect her beauty.

The folds of her skirt flirted slightly as a gentle breeze blew softly carrying over a familiar powerful deep wizened voice.

"Come in my child." she let go of the man after hearing the voice and didn't seem to care for his now slumped form as she quickly shot up before making her way to the west side of the mansion.

Everyone was shocked to see it as that place was restricted to almost everyone as only the family head and elders were allowed in.