
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

New World

She opened her eyes and stretched her back before freezing, cream translucent curtains were all she could see around her. Her eyes shifted quickly around the small enclosed space around her as her heart started to pound in her chest.

She swallowed her saliva and sat up trying to peer through the pink muslin curtains managing to scare herself even more when she could not understand the features of the room.

All she could tell was that she was not in her room back home but neither was she in a hospital room which made nos sense given the fact she had fainted just a couple of minutes ago.

Looking down she also realized that her clothes had been changed into silk white draws that loosely framed her body.

Although the clothes were comfortable she quickly became alarmed as she wondered who had changed her out of her clothes and even put her in a unfamiliar room.

Gathering up her carriage she slightly moved the curtain and took another peak outside and only managed to realize that the room was moderately sized.

She also managed to learn that it was morning or sunset as the sun dimly shone into the room giving her the ability to see the blurry outline of the room from the huge partition separating her from the rest of the room.

Feeling confused and nervous she contemplated on what to do for a while before she decided to just lay back down and wait until someone came in and told her what was happening.

However what she had not planned for was her full bladder. As the urge to pee suddenly assaulted her couple of minutes later making her wriggle around the bed as she rubbed her lower abdomen hoping the feeling would disappear.

But it didn't instead it became stronger and stronger until she finally decided to throw caution to the wind and become an Olympic track gold medalist.

Just like that the issue turned to how fast she could get to the bathroom. Of course she realized that she knew exactly where the bathroom was.

A detail that she should not know as she had never been to this place before but she didn't want to focus on the issue as she first had to quickly relieve herself.

A sigh unconsciously escaped her lips as she felt her bladder muscles relax slowly. As her body slowly let the excess fluid slowly flow out her body.

While she waited for the endless stream to end her brain couldn't help but going through all the strange things that were happening all around her.

So she started by first organizing her thoughts, first of all yesterday night she had been at home and was just about to go to bed when her chronic migraines started again.

But this time it was worse as the pain slowly got worse and worse until she had finally fallen into a dead faint.

Then she had woken up here in a strange room with strange clothes and no one to ask about what was going on.

During her toilet run she had also noticed that the decor was ancient and she just wondered why and where she was.

The only explanation that kept on coming up into her head was that she had been kidnapped but that was not likely.

Second was that after her family discovered she had fainted and they took her to a holistic clinic and there she was dreaming. It would not be the first time she had dreamt up a weird place.

Reassuring herself seemed to work as she walked out the bathroom before looking around. Her eyes drunk up the tidy well organized room in front of her looking for clues.

She was happy when she finally saw it a tiny white piece of paper that lay on the dresser. It lay against the surface so thinly that it was almost invisible.

Smiling she walked up to the medium sized wooden dresser and picked up the note and slowly read it out loud.

"Hello Lili, All the answers can be found right below your head."

The note was short but calmed down her tumultuous emotions somehow she did not why but she felt safe.

So she approached the bed and quickly pulled a small worn brown leather bound notebook from below the pillow.

It was a simple and unremarkable she was sure she would had ignored it if she would have found it anywhere else or at any other time.

She pullet it open and was shocked at the sight of a schedule clearly written in it. She had expected some sort of explanation not a detailed schedule of how to go about her day.

The only thing that had held her together till now was the belief that this was all a dream but now it seemed like something else was going on and it baffled her.

She heavily plumped onto the bed and stared at the book in her hands wondering what to do. Remaining cooped up in here would in no way help her discover anything.

With that in mind she read the first line of the schedule before approaching the inconspicuous wardrobe standing in the far end of the room. Since she had woken up she had studied the entire decor of the room and the two wardrobes had confused her.

One was fancy and could be said to be the only thing that did not fit in the room. It was twice the size of the other one and very decorative making it seem too fancy for the simple furniture already in the room.

She had wanted to check what was inside but was deterred by the huge lock hanging in front of it.

She shook her head forcing the thought out her head before approaching the simple wardrobe.

The first sentence had instructed her to open it and to put on a plain pink dress inside the wardrobe.

She reached in for one of the numerous pink dresses before pulling it out. She stared at the plain garb before placing it on the bed.

Only a couple of minutes were required for her to take a bath before donning on her clothes. She did not have a lot of experience with wearing this type of dress and only hoped she looked okay due to the lack of a mirror in the room. She held back some strands of her hair with a braid ensuring it would not get in her face. Then picked up the notebook and put it inside a bag before putting on a pair of boots and reaching for the door.

Different I know, but it just felt right...

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