
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

House Arrest.

She had it all planned out in her head remain locked up in her room and train with Ren while going out sometimes to eat and be seen. After all she was still being watched by her brothers guard for any strange things she would do. It seemed pretty simple but she knew it would be hard following up the plan with no mistakes after all the guard was and would be an unknown variable. She was a little worried but still decided to go on with her plan before approaching the door again.

"Mo Xi!" she called out to the man standing a few steps from her door alertly studying the area and scaring the children playing outside. He turned to her before approaching in slow but steady steps a hint of confusion detectable in his eyes.

"Since I am not allowed to leave could you please find someone to get me all my meals, or you could do it yourself." she immediately offered causing his already open mouth to shut because of her interruption. He remained quiet for a while thinking about her recommendation probably trying to come up with her motive. She remained silent as she waited for him to think and come up with conclusion which she was already expecting.

"Okay, you will be getting your meals from me everyday" he finally retorted vaguely but she knew he already doubted her sincerity and would not leave his post only leaving him with one choice. She held back her smile before nodding in acceptance satisfied with the result.

"I have not yet had my breakfast" she brought up before walking back into the room and locking the door. Having him come in only at meal times meant that she could only come back during those periods and rest for the rest of the time. She walked back to her study table and started going through one of the books on top as she waited for the food to be sent. It would take him some time to find someone to get it and also remain at his post at the same time.

She did not have to wait for long before three sharp knocks were heard before she opened the door to an unfamiliar female servant. She was dressed in a simple skirt and top which both had hints of light pink and faded green a common uniform for palace maids. She had not expected him to come up with such an idea and she did not know how they had communicated. Maybe her brother had already thought of every possible method to isolate her, she maintained a calm expression as the table was filled with an assortment of pastries, fruits and even a bowl of porridge.

The scene reminded her of an oriental drama where the ladies would be served by servants before any meal. She approached the table calmly before taking a seat as the female servant slowly served her under the supervision of Mo Xi. She ignored and slowly ate her breakfast which was delicious and obviously not from the pavilion. She even wondered if it was from her brother's mansion she only took some bites before dismissing them and asking for some alone time till lunch time. It would be couple of hours and she hoped it would be enough to get in some learnng and training with Ren.

She quickly locked the door and walked to her bed before conjuring up the image Ren had described and entering the realm. She was not still sure where it was or how she was able to access it but she would not question Ren as he didnt have any bad intentions. She found herself right outsid castle the mansione gardeners were present as the first day and were busily working on the already perfect garden. She watched the scene for a while before walking into the castle it was silent and she could hear her footsteps and the rustling of her skirt as she walked to the library. As a

expected Ren was inside and called her to get closer before continuing with his lessons.

He was really great and knew how to explain everything in a way that she could understand better. Although she had already been taught and even had done the practical at least it was vague in her mind. All the bits became clearer after his teachings and she was done with the theory part by the time he asked her to go back. She was distracted as she received her lunch as all the information floated around in her mind while she slowly comprehend it all. She was far from done as they had not covered sorcery and hypnosis as they were more detailed. It was good to know she could now practice her more physical attributes ensuring she could keep herself safe.

The rest of the day was uneventful as Ren had asked her to rest before starting her training the next day. She didn't know how she would be trained but she still felt nervous and anxious thinking of it. She wondered if it would involve having duels and if she would need to spur with Ren. Just the thought of it made her shiver in fear as he was very knowledgeable and skilled in the area. She was also certain he had enough experience to beat her up if he wanted to. So much thoughts run through her mind before she found herself dosing off still thinking about it.

Green was all she could see when she opened her eyes, thick stemed trees with luscious green leaves surrounded her. Barely any light could pass through the cracks she looked around before taking a step forward. The thick foliage cushioned her footsteps as she walked forward with no plan or knowledge why she was. Her body moved nimbly and quickly through the closely spaced tree trunks, the density of the forest thinned out and soon she stood in a clearing. It barely had any trees but was filled with weeds and grass making it fit right in with the forest.

She squinted her eyes at a blurry figure standing some feet away from her while looking ahead. He was dressed in light blue coat with his half of his hair held up by a highly decorated golden pin and the rest falling down his back. He was familiar, she had never met him but felt the urge to get close to him all she knew was that she missed him. Her pace picked up as her body subconsciously attempted to get to him but he got further and further away. The whole field became eerily silent devoid of any sound but the two of them. He was further and further away making her stop in her tracks and watch him as the world swirled around them. She woke up with a start before looking around her room quickly wiping tears she didn't know had fallen.

'Father' she could still remember crying out with an outstretched hand. Her heart still hurt despite leaving that sad dream.

She knew she was different for sometime, because she was always thinking and doing things her own way. People around her had told her numerous times that the way she viewed the world was different. It made her question everything, was she stupid or was she a genius and every single time the doubt arose in her mind. Something told her the world was wrong or she was in the wrong place and just needed to find the right place....

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