
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


Bright sun rays could already be seen filtering into her room lighting it up in a slight golden hue. She immediately got of the bed and washed up before dressing for the day.

Today she had decided to go with an ocean blue dress and let her hair fall down her back in waves. She contemplated putting on a veil and did so before leaving.

After a lot of thinking she had decided to visit the blue robed guy who had not yet told her his name and ask some questions about this world.

With this in mind she quickly walked to the restaurant where she was informed he was no longer present and had left her a letter before she had to trudge back home in disappointment.

Someone had been to her room unless the huge mirror standing next to the wardrobe had brought itself. She approached it and stared at her unfamiliar reflection feeling nothing.

She turned away from the mirror and sat on her bed before taking out the notebook. She stared at it remembering the words written in the back she had flipped through it and had noticed the words written after the instructions.

'It will all become clear' were the last words written and she didn't know what it meant yet. Someone knocked on her door causing her to quickly hide the book before opening it.

A beautiful woman stood before her and she felt irritated despite not knowing who she was. She had a long raven black hair put up in a complicated hair do that was all held up by an exquisite golden pin.

That greatly accentuated her small heart shaped face she had small almond eyes, a cute tiny button nose and full rose red lips. Her porcelain white skin was smooth and she could tell how much it was taken care of.

The whole ensemble was finished with a golden necklace that lay on her delicate neck and a purple hanfu it had silver embroidery depicting a flower garden. The only things she did not like were her extremely strong perfume and hateful glare that had studied her since she opened the door. They both stared at each other quietly each waiting for the other to talk first.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" she asked angrily before forcing herself in, she looked around the room before approaching the mirror.

She thought only narcissistic people would be drawn to the mirror that quick and she shook her head before closing the door and standing next to it.

"Mother sent me to get you," she spoke still admiring herself and fixing none existent flaws in the mirror as she shifted from side to side.

"Fine lets go" she retorted and approached the door waiting for the woman to finish admiring herself.

Sure she did not know who sent for her or why but it was better than staying here with this woman.

They left after a few minutes and she followed behind as she led her in a different direction than the one she had used before.

All the guards they passed gave a small bow compared to how she had been treated earlier not that she minded but it meant the woman was important and her mother more so.

They finally stopped at a beautiful courtyard that made her feel the one she lived in was a dump.

Actually the rest of the compound looked better than the corner she resided in.

More guards were also stationed further in and the seemed to be doubled in this courtyard.

It stood taller and bigger than all the other buildings and was surrounded by a beautiful flower garden.

She looked around and stared at the big gateway that stood some meters away from the building.

It was as a matter of fact bigger and more outstanding than the one she had used. The guards let them through into the house which was decorated like a restaurant with different sections each vastly different.

A stage stood in the middle and she looked around the room already imagining how it would look while functional.

They climbed up the steps and passed a couple of hallways filled with doors before stopping at the last one which seemed to be isolated from the other ones.

"Mother she is back" the girl announced as soon as she pushed the door open only to retreat shyly and close the door after peeking inside.

There seemed to be visitors that her mother had not warned her about, they stood outside for quite a while waiting for the guests to leave.

"It has been my pleasure" she heard a deep voice say they both stood straighter as the door was opened.

Her eyes quickly darted to the ground and she bow her head hoping not to be noticed. Her prayers were answered as the guests left quickly ignoring them. She only looked up after their footsteps went further a beautiful middle aged woman stood at the door and glared at her before going in.

They both entered but the other girl sat while she remained standing indicating her feelings about being summoned. Mother and daughter were both silent one shuffling through some scrolls while the other stared at her nails.

The room remained silent with only the sound of shuffling papers being heard.

"I have been told you have been going out daily for the past fortnight.

What exactly have you been doing because if I remember you have always hated going out." The woman finally talked and stopped shuffling her papers to look up at her hands clasped together.

She was new here but had only gone out once but even she had been here before if she wanted to go out it was up to her.

"Errands I go out to run errands" she explained referring to everything she had to do today and she was sure it was the same before as all those people recognized her and even already knew what she wanted.

"I have no problem with you running errands or anything it is just that I care about you."

"Going out in this times is not safe especially for you and I would not want anything to happen to my niece." She retorted in a caring tone that honestly sounded fake.

She had spent her entire day running around and she had not seen anything that supported the woman's words, her statement would make it seem like something was happening but everything was normal at least that was what she had experienced.

Of all the things she had not expected that the woman who seemed to be in charge of this compound whatever it functioned as was her 'aunt'. That made the annoying girl her 'cousin' that was probably why she had felt irritated when she first saw her.

"Yes mother just wants you to be safe" her 'cousin' pretentiously added with her nasally voice making her roll her eyes internally.

"Okay, I will stay safe" she agreed mockingly ready to get back to her problems.

"Have you finished sewing the dresses for tomorrow?" her 'aunt' asked enthusiastically probably because it was the reason she had been sent for in the first place.

All the fake concern was only dresses that she knew absolutely nothing about. It took her everything not to blow out and scream that she didn't know anything about the supposed dresses. She had not seen any dresses and could only conjure up an image of the overly bejeweled wardrobe in her mind.

"Absolutely, I am only waiting for for the owners to pick them" she reassured already cursing her mouth for spitting out those words.

"Perfect, don't leave tomorrow the hostesses will come from morning for the fitting." Her 'aunt' ordered but she was still confused with the word hostesses.

She wondered if restaurants in this place called waitresses hostesses then shrugged it off before nodding.

"Can I go now?" she asked already heading for the door, she thought she had her 'aunt' dish but she was too fast to hear her clearly.

Her feet moved quickly through the corridors as she rushed to the room, she had to know if the dresses were really ready or if she would have to kill herself. The notebook had a couple of pages worth of instructions and she wondered which would tell her about how to access the second wardrobe.

It would either held complete pieces or fabrics and she hoped they were already complete. If it was fabrics it would mean she had to make the dresses and that would spell her doom.

Of course she had noticed the huge sewing machine in the morning and she had been happy as she always loved sewing but if the dresses were really not ready she did not want to know how her 'aunt' would react.

Her feet moved quickly through the corridors as she rushed to her room hoping and praying the dresses would be ready.

The whole compound seemed to be coming to life the darker it got not that the tted since she already had a lot to deal with from dresses to being in the wrong body.

She moved faster and faster till she found herself dashing towards courtyard it had not seemed so far when they were leaving but she felt like it was on the other side of the world.

All the kids had been taken in since it was dark reminding her of how empty it was laid-out had left in the morning.

She did a quick job of unlocking the door before diving straight for the notebook. It had gotten dark and she lit the already laid out candles before reading the book seriously.

She gasped out loud after reading where the key, was left approaching her dresser. An inconspicuous box lay there and she stared at it wondering why she had not noticed it before.

According to the notebook it was jewelry box and also contained a set of keys. She was yet, to read about the rest of the keys but having them all would save her a lot of trouble.

A peek inside revealed some simple pairs of silver earrings, hair pins and necklaces. She pulled them all out and settled on the set of keys lying beneath everything.

Her anxiety seemed to worsen as she quickly unlocked the wardrobe before pulling it open. It was done, many dress-physically in the closet and she smiled as she locked the wardrobe again now she could worry about everything else.