
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

A Visit From the Crown Prince.

She had learned that her name was Chen Li Ju from the constant yells and complaints she had suffered throughout the day. Apparently, she was a seamstress in her aunt's brothel.

The Pink Peony Pavilion, commonly known as the best and strongest brothel in the whole kingdom. It boasted the privilege of only hosting the richest and the noblest men in the kingdom.

Of course, it had the best services as it offered intellectual and beautiful hostesses to all its guests and would sometimes offer concubines to royalty. Today had been busy as everyone was busy preparing for the night which was expected to be the best.

According to the rumor mill, the general's firstborn son and alleged heir would be visiting with his childhood friend the crown prince.

Everyone was excited and anxious to see how the night would go since he was known to be aloof and cold to anyone he met.

Even other royals and senior officers were all going to be present hoping to interact and get close to the crown prince. The girls seemed to be the happiest as they had the chance to become imperial concubines.

Despite all the excitement in the air, all she could feel was confusion and worry for she still did not understand what she was doing in this world.

"What are you doing standing there like a fool, go help out in the kitchen" she heard her aunt's familiar voice yell before turning to the overdressed lady who looked like a clown.

She nodded before walking away trying to keep her laugh at bay. They would all look like fools and would probably end up as a joke in the whole kingdom, or maybe it would work out besides she was new and maybe this world worked differently.

The guests had already filtered in and they could not change anything even if they wanted to. She quickly walked to the other servants who seemed to be standing in a corner hoping to remain unnoticeable.

If there was one thing she had noticed throughout the day was that the previous owner seemed to be just like her in terms of personality since no one had complained about her changing. She also realized that she had no friends and spent most of her time alone.

"Look, it's the prince" the girl next to her nudged making her turn to the cause of the now ongoing commotion.

Two tall well built men elegantly walked into the room ignoring the looks directed at them. They were handsome according to the whispers around her but she didn't believe so.

She would say they were above average but not earth shuttering mind-blowing handsome. Then again she oftentimes wondered if perhaps her standards were too high.

Even blue robe guy from the restaurant was so much better than the both of them.Feeling disappointed she sighed before turning away from the spectacle.

Aunt quickly approached with a huge smile before directing them to their VIP lounge that was fit for a king.

Servants quickly approached with the finest wine that had been particularly purchased for this occasion. The first drove of hostesses shyly approached the pair and offered their bows before trying to strike up a conversation only to be ignored by the conversing pair.

She sighed before sneaking out of the room hoping she was not needed for the rest of the night. She slowly walked to her room taking in the sights in case all these were all a dream and she woke up back home.

According to the letter the imperial family was going through some problems due to the emperor falling ill and the prince needed to see her.

She didn't exactly know why but she intended to find out before rejecting whatever proposal he had in mind.

After all she still needed to deal with her own body snatching and soul transference problem, getting involved in politics could not be added to her already full schedule.

"Not much just be present when the party starts" she answered before dismissing her she intended to walk back to her room but changed her mind after walking out the building.

The courtyard was already getting crowded with luxuriously dressed men walked in with their servants. Both old and young men were present and she could tell they were among the richest around from their jade and golden accessories and the exquisite fabrics that draped them. She would have thought it was a rich people summit if she did not know this was actually a brothel. Not particularly like the others as the hostesses did not have to sleep with their clients and only offered company. Essentially it was a high class escort service from which rich men could pick their concubines and even wives sometimes.

She followed behind the crowd that headed to the main hall and entered the room without having to present an invitation like the guests. The previously empty hall was almost full as the guests took their seats the servers were already going around taking orders and serving the clients while a hostess sat on the stage playing a flute. Some others had already arrived and were mingling with huge number laughing and whispering in their designated area. She turned was ready to head towards the kitchen where she believed she would be told what to do or sit around before being sent for.

"Lily" she heard her 'cousin's' familiar voice call out before approaching her beautifully made up cousin who was seated among the other hostesses a smile plastered on her face. They all stared at her curiously as she approached them slowly fighting to keep a scowl from her face.

"Did you go see mother?" she asked a loud making all the other turned away ladies listen in on their conversation.

"Yes, she already explained everything." She responded pretending not to notice the eyes currently sneaking glances at them.

"So you are okay with serving the crown prince and me" she asked yelling out as if afraid no one would hear who she would be dining with.

"I already agreed, so it is okay" she retorted already understanding why she had been called here. All the other had given themselves away with their reactions and she knew her cousin was trying to brag and also show her she was superior. Too bad she already knew why the prince was coming and it was not because of her though they would say it was.

"Really, I thought you would refuse because you told me you hated being here" she jabbed looking up at her with innocent eyes. All the other hostesses stopped pretending to look away and stared at her with angry gazes looking as if they were ready to jump her. She was not the one who had said so but she already didn't like this place.

"I still do but it doesn't mean I will not help out." She retorted shocking them when she admitted to hating this place. She knew it was not wise to let everyone know about her feelings but she had already been exposed and was never the type to deny her own words.

"That is so kind of you but at least you will get to meet the prince." Her 'cousin' appreciated making it seem like she only wanted to meet the prince. Which was true just not for the reason they all thought not that it mattered they would all get to know soon anyway.

"Of course who wouldn't want to meet him" she mocked before walking away just as a guard approached the now shocked group of women and her smug 'cousin'.

"Young miss, his highness has arrived" she heard him report before walking away with her smiling 'cousin'. She walked to the darkest corner in the room and waited for the show to begin. The hostesses had already began tiding themselves up ready to draw the prince's attention. They didn't have to wait for long before the entourage walked in, a young man led the group of people with her aunt saying something next to him. He was dressed in a purple long robe embroidered with images of a dragon and the clouds below as it soared breathing out fire. His raven black hair was held up in a silver intricately carved pin as it fell on his back his face was breath taking as his dark brown eyes flickered around the room. He seemed bored as he stared at the bowing crowd before dismissively flicking his sleeve causing everyone to raise up. A familiar face accompanied him and she wondered where she had seen the man before.

The group drew all the attention to them as they slowly walked toward their obviously reserved VIP section it was beautifully decorated and was the only empty spot in the crowded room. They soon got to their secluded spot before they took seats pretending not to notice the eyes fixated on them. The men stared at the prince with reverence while the women ogled him with red cheeks and shy smiles. Her 'cousin' sat between the prince and the other man as she smiled gently deeply conversing with him. The group seemed harmonious and was eye catching due to the armed guards surrounding them with fierce expressions. Everything was perfect except for the lack of drinks and snacks even after waiting for a long while.

Every guest had been served a few minutes after their arrival so the other guests noticed when not a single server dared to approach. Her aunt seemed nervous before whispering something to one of the guards who called for the closest server in the vicinity. All eyes were focused on the group as the girl bowed before talking to her aunt a bit before walking away. She continued laying on the pillar watching them, her aunt had asked for her help but had not mentioned who she would be serving. She watched the scared server walk around asking around before turning to her after being stopped by a hostess who had seen her hiding spot, she approached quickly while anxiously wringing her hands

"Hurry you have to go take their orders." She pleaded looking as if she would almost cry. She only smiled before approaching the group in a slowed pace not at all worried about the frustrated glare that her aunt was sending her way.

"Yes?" she asked staring at her aunt with a lazy smile, their eyes had been drawn to her when she was a few steps away from them and she had continued with her slow pace as they stared at her. One was clearly shocked and the other seemed contemplative as he watched her every move. Her 'aunt' was upset and was currently scowling at her as she stood before them without a care in the world.

"Get us some of the wine I prepared." Her aunt requested after she realized she had no intention of bowing or facing the prince currently staring intently at her. She walked away and was handed a tray immediately she approached the server's section where all the drinks and snacks had been organized it seemed like they had really planned it all out as she smiled at her 'aunt's' personal maid.

"Take this then come for the snacks" she ordered before walking away, she stared down at the glasses and wine before walking back to the group. She had been busy throughout the evening serving them and filling up their wine glasses when they became empty. She had learnt that the prince's companion was the major general's first born son and his childhood friend she still didn't know where she had seen him before and had let it go. Her cousin had managed to impress both the men after her dance performance and had been basking in their attention all night. Her aunt was the odd one as she remained quiet throughout only watching her as she came in and out. She was bored and wondered why they had even wanted her to serve them as no one had revealed any clue.

"Lily, please take a seat" her aunt finally requested after receiving a subtle glance from the prince. She finished clearing the table before taking a seat opposite them and turning to her aunt.