
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

37. Severed Ties 3

Business hours were about to start and she wanted to wait until everyone was busy to sneak out without being noticed. She just hoped no one would come to look for her before then otherwise everything would be ruined. She quietly changed into the simplest gown she had found before putting on a cloak.

'Change into something more comfortable' she heard Ren Wentian's voice advice making her freeze up before smiling. If this was what he meant about guiding her then she very well much liked it.

"What terrain will I be going to?" She asked aloud already rummaging through her bag of packed clothes.

'You don't have to speak aloud, but you will be doing a lot of trekking.' he explained before she felt his presence withdraw from her. She quickly changed into pair of trousers and supplemented it with a baggy shirt and put on a blue and white dress. She walked to the window and peaked outside before picking up her small bag.

Everyone seemed to be too busy with tasks to stare at the figure that walked in the shadows quietly. A problem soon arose when she got to the gate which was extremely well gaurded. She watched for a while as they let in guests the major problem was that the only people who could leave were servants. She was also one but her get up would easily expose her she scanned the area and saw a familiar face before approaching.

"Hi, that seems to be heavy" she commented to the mousy maid who seemed to struggle with a basket.

"It is but I have to take it to the tea house." She complained adjusting her heavy basket.

"I can help you" she offered already holding onto one side of the basket.

"Thank you"she appreciated already handing her the basket. She smiled and quickly through in her bag while the girl looked away before following her. Her heart pounded faster with each step they took toward the gate. The gaurds seemed to ignore them as they slowly walked out of the gate.

"Hey, stop right there" one gaurd yelled before approaching them.

"You think you can just leave like that?" He asked harshly.

"Hello to you too" the maid servant greeted a smile lighting her face as she stared at the guard.

"Good, next time don't just ignore me" he retorted throwing a glance at her. She nodded before looking back at the female servant who seemed to be shining.

"Of to the tea house?"He asked as if already knowing where she was going.

"Yeah, she just offered to help" she explained before pointing to her.

"Than you" the guard appreciated with a nod almost respectfully.

"It's nothing" she answered simply ready to leave this place before anyone noticed she was gone.

"I will leave now"the girl interjected making her turn away ready to walk onto the tea house. They slowly walked to the tea house silently taking in the sights that came across. Some minutes later they were at the entrance of the tea house where they were received by another servant who seemed to be waiting for them. She took out her bag before handing over the basket to the servant.

"I have to leave now" she softly whispered to the servant.

"Thank you"she appreciated before walking into the tea house.

'Where to?'she asked inwardly already feeling his presence linger around her.

'Mt.Tredassi, it is only out of town just follow this road straight to the gates.' be offered before going silent.

'Why there?' She asked as she slowly walked down the street avoiding bumping into other people.

'It is safe and isolated' he explained briefly.

'Will I be going to the foot or the peak?' she continued to ask hoping he would continue speaking with her.

'At the peak there is a cave that is well hidden, not many know of its existence. It is the best place to hide yourself from the world.'he offered generously.

'Why is it isolated'?' she continued to ask hoping it was not because it was dangerous or anything.

'People believe that it is full of dangerous animals' he answered.

'Isnt it?' she asked holding her breath, she had no intention of going to a dangerous place to hide away.

'It is in some areas, but I will guide you through the safest zones' he reassured making her calm down. If people really believed it was dangerous then nobody would follow her despite of knowing where she went.

'You are really smart' she complimented happy he was her guide.

'I have to be for me to be." He admitted calmly.

The streets were filled with people despite it being early in the morning and she looked around the sights of people moving around and working. His presence was still with her but they maintained a peaceful silence with small directions here and there.

After a few minutes she stopped and stared at the magnificent scene before her. The peak could be clearly seen and she already felt comfortable by just looking at it. Back while in the brothel she had seen the outline but never such a clear view. A smile lit up her face as she continued walking ahead where the crowds had started thinning out as she approached the gates.

The gates were well guarded by a multitude of imperial guards who seemed to be checking anyone who was going in or out of the city. She slowed down her steps as she approached the lined formed by people going out of the city. Butterflies filled her stomach as she watched the guards ask for identification before releasing anyone.

She suspected that they would stop her but she would try anyway. Every step forward felt harder and harder as the line grew shorter. Soon she was standing before the guards and shakily handed them her identification token. Her body was tense and ready to run she felt even more scared when the guards called onto another.

"Could you wait here?" He asked before walking into their small station where they mumbled while staring at her. The one that seemed like the leader walked out and approached while fumbling with her token.

"Chen Li Ju?" He asked studying her from head to toe, she nodded in affirmation shifting from foot to foot.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a fake smile eyeing her bag and attire.

"Just a walk, I will be back in the morning" she explained nervously holding tightly onto her bag.

"About that, there has been order to stop you from leaving"he explained as the guards slowly started to surround her. She felt suffocated as they blocked all her probable leaving routes.

'Deep breaths, tell them to let you go' she heard the calm voice of Ren Wentian whisper. She fought the urge to let out a huff at how silly his idea was.

'They already know I want to leave.' she retorted grumpily as one guards reached for her bag.

'Trust me' he insisted before going silent.

"We don't want to hurt you, just stay here until our master gets here" the leader insisted while grabbing onto her arm.

She winced while struggling to let herself go she felt another person pull at her bag. All around her were strong tall men who seemed to have no intention of letting her go. She could not just wait until whoever the master was to come and find out her plan.

"Let me go!" She yelled angrily looking into the leaders eyes. A haze seemed to pass through his eyes before he let go of her arm. All of them quickly let her go and stood frozen in a trance like state just staring blankly. She looked around confused before turning at the sound of horses approach. She could see a horde of soldiers approach almost frantically whipping their horses.

"Lock the gates!" She ordered before running out of the city gates.

The outside of the city was open with a thick bush standing a few metres away from her. She quickly run forward ignoring the sounds of the gate being locked and the angry yells behind her.

Her feet pounded against the ground as she run for her life literally she could hear as swords were drawn and a small fight started. She turned back to the horrific sight of a huge horse galloping toward her lone form.

"Stop!" She heard the man yell, he was fully covered with thick armor hiding away all his features. His eyes those dark cold eyes made her tremble to the core of her being. She turned away before continuing running towards the thick bushes. She screamed when a wave of wind fell behind her making the earth tremble.

'Cant you make me go any faster?' she asked urgently hoping he would come up with an idea like last time.

'Stop running' he ordered confusing her, didn't he want her to get away or were her chances to slim. Only to stop when a mound of dirt exploded all around her making her cough before turning to the galloping horse. The man seemed pleased when she stopped she didn't know how but she knew he was pleased with himself.

'I don't want to go back' she said to the man inside her head.

'You will not, calm down' he assured in his usually calm authoritative voice.

'Now close your eyes' he continued making her roll her eyes.

'Do it' she shut her eyes at the order and took a deep breath. She could see britght lights all around her a sight that was not usual for her. The lights seemed excited to see her and slowly approached before surrounding her as if curious. She felt powerful and calm as they slowly traced her features leaving a warm feeling wherever the lights lingered. A smile slowly light up her face as she mingled with the beautiful litghts all around her.

"Ask for their help" she heard her him murmur behind her, she quickly turned to the smiling man before nodding.

"Could you please help me?" She asked timidly.

"Of course, my lady" a gentle feminine voice agreed, she was familiar with it but she was not sure from where.

Her eyes opened up to the sight of a mighty horse getting close to her. The horse neighed and raised it's feet of the ground when it met her eyes. A group of following riders all stopped at the scared horse as their horses also stopped in their tracks. She lifted her hands and stared at the dim lights shimmering over her skin.

A large boom echoed in the air making her look up at a huge chunk of earth that potruded off the ground. She clenched her fist experimentally and laughed out loud when the peice of earth floated of the ground.

"Do you really want to fight me!" She yelled authoritatively staring at her pursuers arrogantly.

"Impossible!" She heard a voice exclaim in shock. She smirked before hurling her hand against an old huge tree that seemed ancient. A poignant silence prevailed as the tree was smashed into smithereens.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

eneukncreators' thoughts