
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

35. Severed Ties 1

"Look at you, just some days without visiting you and you completely change" he teases with a tiny laugh, she just raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips.

"Fine, mother found out about your visitors and wanted me to come see you" he relents turning serious suddenly.

"Well you have seen me" she answerd already feeling uncomfortable. She had never been good at talking with strangers and that was exactly what he was. Sometimes she came of as rude but she just did not know what else to say.

"Yes, I just want to know what you intend to do" he retorted seeming not to notice her tensed state.

"I don't know, my life is really complicated enough already I don't want to add on any other issues." She answered honestly remembering all that had happened lately. Family feuds and battles for the crown had no place in her life she first needed to adapt to this place.

"But you have the power to choose who is going to be the next emperor." He insisted seeming anxious. He probably thought she had moved to the other side something she would also suspect if her sibling reacted the same way she was.

" Do you want to be the next emperor?" She asked directly, he was here just for the politics nothing else and that was exactly what she would talk about. People always pretended to care and love someone whenever they needed something but she would not let him play that card. She hated when people did it but it was human nature even she did the same sometimes.

"If I am chosen I will accept." He answered nervously fidgeting in his seat.

"Stop pretending and just tell me why you came to see me." She scolded angrily before scanning the room again. Everyone seemed to be leaning towards them as if wanting to be a part of the conversation. They were even shameless enough to look at her right in the eyes when their eyes met. This was not convenient especially since her brother seemed to be a little reluctant to talk.

"Come with me" she ordered before standing and walking out the room. He seemed confused before standing and following her out. She led him to her room before locking the door behind them, he looked around before following her to her desk.

"Tell me" she stated calmly after he sat and watched the grown man fidget as if thinking of how to speak to her.

"Of course I want to be the emperor, but no one seems to want me in that seat" he explained.

"Why is that?" She asked somehow knowing he was hiding something from her. He was angry, embarrassed and confused, she didn't know how but she knew how he felt. He remained silent and looked around the room avoiding her gaze which was trained on him.

"Because of you, all this is happening because of you. I am the oldest, smart, wise and even have a high level of cultivation. But it does not matter because of you." He suddenly yelled veins protruding from his head and clenched fists. She glared at him silently thinking about it all, she was a bastard born in secret a curse to these people. An abomination that made her mother descend from her rightful place a curse that made her brother hate her.

She knew how they felt because in her old life she had a step sister and she hated her. Whenever she was mentioned just because she was a mistake the only thing that assaulted her anger was when she stayed away from them. Maybe she should do the same for this family besides she didn't know nor care about them anyway.This was the only gift she could give them for ruining their lives, she knew this was her real family but she did not care. How can she love them, they did not care about her either they even saw her as an eye sore.

"You can leave" she started looking away from the man she had invited to her room.

A line had been drawn and he was on the other side like everyone else she had met in this world. He looked surprised as he stared at her in alarm he seemed to almost be scared.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have said that" he quickly defended almost frantically. She felt impatient as he begged her to forgive him for misspeaking.

"You did, now leave" she growled standing defensively before his sitting figure. She was done with this place, he had said she was needed but she was sure it was not in this place. That was all she cared about all the rest would be left of for later.

"Please don't push me away, mother also said that you should see her." He tried to salvage the situation using her mother's name. She laughed out loud staring him down in contempt, how she wished she could break him to pieces.

"Get out, and stay away from me from now on we are strangers. Tell that woman and the rest of your family to stay away from me." She yells not caring if anyone would hear.

If anyone heard her it would be for the best besides she would not stay here any longer. He stood up and banged the table glaring at her furiously she glared back. His huge figure towered over her form which scared her but she put on a brave front while looking up at him.

"Who do you think you are, treating me like this!" He chastised loudly. " I am a royal, the first son of the emperor while you are nothing but a servant."he continued with a booming voice that she was sure could be heard by everyone.

"So what if I am servant, at least I don't have to go brown nose someone lower than me to get anything." She shot back smugly. Her heart was pounding fast in both fear and excitement as she stood there with a calm expression. She just hoped he could not hear the fast pace or her blood pumping quickly through her veins.

"You think you are so special, I could kill you here and no one would stop me" he threatened sinisterly his hand hovering his dagger.

"Go ahead kill me, what are you waiting for" she taunted and felt like facepalming at her stupidity.

If she continued running her mouth she would seriously die but her pride would not let her back down. He pulled out the dagger before grabbing onto her arm and pulling her against him. She could feel the sharp blade press against her neck but did not at all feel panicked. Her door burst in and familiar figures of her aunt and the crown prince rushed into the room.

"Don't do it" he warned warily. He cautiously approached as if walking toward a frightened animal. She felt the knife press deeper into her skin making the later stop in his tracks.

"Please don't do this she is your sister" her aunt pleaded from her perch near the door where many people were peeking into the room. Of course they had attracted a crowd with all the ruckus they had caused. She slowly twisted her sleeve and inwardly smiled on feeling the cold object in her hand.

"No she is the only thing keeping me from the throne." He asserted pulling her closer to his body.

She took a deep breath before stomping her foot on his toes and elbowing his side. He was shocked and loosened his grip giving her the opening she wanted. She quickly turned back and placed her knife on his neck while twisting his dagger from his hand. Her small defense plan worked as he dropped his dagger she planned to stab his shoulder as a warning. Only to be lifted into the air by his fist which was quickly wrapped around her neck. He slowly squeezed her neck making her feel suffocated as she choked. The prince rushed toward them only to be blasted back by a gust of wind.

"You think you can kill me with you mediocre skills?" He snickered mockingly.

Her heart rate sped up even more as she felt as if her chest would explode at any moment. She did not know what was happening and was waiting and hoping for her cultivation to kick in something that she soon realized would not happen when she suddenly felt peaceful, he was still strangling her but she was calm.

She could feel her extremely fast heart beat slowly go back to normal as she looked into his bloodshot eyes. He was very angry and could kill her with just a tiny flex of his arm muscles. But she knew he would not do it, not because he loved her or even cared about her because he needed her.

She was the only one who could make him or break him a smile slowly spread out on her face as she dared him to go farther. His hand was squeezing tighter and she could already feel dizzy but chose to stubbornly stare at him.

She was still wondering why she suddenly so weak when Wentian spoke up making her understand what was happening he said." You have only regained you physical cultivation and martial arts and these are not very helpful because your brother has dually cultivated his physique and spiritual qi."

His words enlightened her and she was busy thinking of how dumb she had been to provoke him when she was suddenly released drawing her out of her thoughts. The crown prince bad finally made a move managing to stop her brother before he killed her.

She rubbed her neck as she glared up at her now poker faced brother already picturing what would have happened if she had recovered her spiritual cultivation.

People had cleared out after he had let go and now she was left to deal with her aunt and the two self entitled princes. She had really though she was going to die and had already given up when he dropped her on the ground. A choice he clearly regretted if his irritated expression was anything to go by. Now all she had to do was make sure no one else tried to kill her.

"You are such a great brother, offering to kill me on your own" she simpered sarcastically.

"Don't push it!" Her aunt warned when he prowled towards her killing intent surging in waves around him.

"What do you think you can talk to me like that just because I let you off yesterday?." She grumbled despite him standing before her with a murderous glare.

"No I am sorry but we need you to pick the next king" the crown prince commented from his perch by the window. She studied his figure and sneered at how pretensious he was. They all knew that she was just a chest piece to them the piece that could checkmate the other.

"So, which side are you going to pick?" Her brother bluntly asked seemingly impatient to leave. She knew that whatever happened she had to pick a side or it would picked for her. One thing they didn't account for was that she was stubborn. Some would say pigheaded, because everyone who had tried to force her into anything knew just how much. Now this people would know how much she hated being controlled or being told what to do.

"I don't know yet, I will ponder over it" she answered submissively. It was true she would ponder over it for a long time while away from this place. Besides nothing good had happened since she got here plus the fact everyone knew her.

The only solution to being bugged by powered up royals was to run. Everyone had a talent and hers was running away from any issues that plagued her. She stole a glance at her aunt and fought back a smile after imagining all the blame she would get. She eagerly led them out of the room already planning her escape in her mind.

Life can be funny sometimes, at one moment you are happy and in love. The next moment you can be sad, angry and bawling your eyes out. All I am trying to say is have nice day!!!

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