
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

30 Delegates 3

The Chen clan had been living on the Buzhou sacred mountain for years and occupied the entire mountain and the area below it because of their huge population with only the elders and the delegates living at the top areas of the mountain.

The only other members allowed to live on the mountain were the Palinoru who were still in training who occupied the mid section of the mountain below them was the Black Sector where the Nagi trained and lived.

This was where Chen Sangyu was currently sitting as she waited for Ning Yuxuan she had immediately come here after talking to her mom and sent someone to call him over.

She was pretty anxious as she waited for his tall figure to finally appear she did not have to wait too long before he arrived. He was dressed in his usual black robes with his long sword sheathed at his side.

A soft smile lit up his handsome face the moment their eyes met before he walked up to her with strong steady steps. He looked heroic as the soft lighting lit up his face giving him an ethereal glow.

She stood up as soon as he got to her side and bowed back to him in greeting before they both sat down opposite each other. She threw a glance at her maid servant who stood at the side with a lunch box prompting her to serve them.

The girl was quick on her feet as she quickly got to work on serving them various pastry and fruit dishes before starting to brew tea next to them.

Chen Sangyu felt shy as she avoided Yuxuan's dark orbs that were staring into her soul making her blush. She had always thought he was beautiful especially with his strong eyebrows that seemed to hold a hint of arrogance.

And a strong square jaw that could slice through butter like a knife. His cushiony plum red lips pulled into a chuckle as he stared at her before speaking mesmerizing her with his soothing deep voice.

"How have you been doing?" he started just as her maid servant poured them a cup of tea. She felt as if her voice was stuck in her throat and took a sip before answering him.

"I am good what about you are the others still giving you a hard time?" she asked. The last time they had met he had told her how the other Nagi were giving him a hard time just because he was younger than them and had still caught up to them.

His soft smile faltered for a while making him take a sip of the tea before he managed to put it back on and answered her question.

"No they stopped after the new Nagi joined the group. I think they were just messing around with me because I was new."

He explained releiving some of her worries she had been worried that he was still getting bullied because of her and that would maybe lead him to resent her.

She felt nervous as she contemplated bringing up what had brought her here in the first place. Her mother had told her that Lord Ru Lou was the one who was suppose to tell him about the mission and she wondered if he had already told him.

They were awkwardly silent for a while before she decided to speak up and ask him about it albeit hesitantly. "Did you talk to Lord Ru Lou?"

Ning Yuxuan seemed to have been waiting for this question as he put down his cup before answering "Yes, he told me that I had to temporarily escort a delegate. I told him I would first discuss this with you before giving him an answer."

She was not shocked by his answer and wondered how she was suppose to tell him that the person he was going to escort was her half sister. She was still feeling conflicted when he continued to speak.

" What do you think I should tell him when he asks me later?" he inquired drawing her out of her thoughts. She took in a deep breath before telling him everything.

"The person you are supposed to escort is my father's illegitimate daughter and she had apparently been merged with Ren Wentian and is ready to take on some roles. " she confessed and looked up to his shocked expression.

"Wait you mean the Ren Wentian? and you half sister really? What is the council thinking?" he rumbled on and on as the news slowly sunk in.

"It is not the council but my father who wants to give her way in to the clan. If I am not wrong choosing you as an escort was just a ploy to annoy my mother."

She openly analysed getting nods of agreement from him. They had grown up together and were already used to solving most of their issues in such a manner and so she had no qualms with being open with him.

"If it really is a ploy he probably expects me to refuse the mission so that he can send someone even better. That way no one will say that he was favoring his illegitimate daughter."

His words seemed to have sparked an idea into both of them as they made eye contact and spoke the same words almost in synch.

"I should say yes!"

"You should say yes!"

Just like that they had led themselves right into the actual trap by being overly smart. So when Chen Changsheng(Liju and Sangyu's father) heard the news he was happy to finally set things into motion.

He quickly walked back to his quarters where he asked his soul companion to share the news with the other side. They had to adequately prepare her for the tasks ahead before the boy arrived there.

Ren Wentian only got the news a few days later and was excited to share it but did not know how to inform their young Miss who was still unconscious after taking the second Revitalisation Pill.

She had fainted after taking the pill this would normally draw her back to the mansion where most of her memories were hidden but even after they waited for her conscience to arrive at the mansion they had failed to factor in one thing the dark void around them.

Ever since the soul transference spell had been done the entire place had almost collapsed as the dark void suddenly spread out of nowhere no one knew how it come about before it had already covered the entire space imprisoning them in some parts of the mansion.

As the darkness sucked out the life energy of anything it came into contact with leaving nothing behind. The dark void had shrunk a bit after their young Miss's soul got back but was still covering most of the area as they could only access the mansion and the area around it.

But now that she was missing the only explanation that made sense was that she was in there as she was the only one who would come into contact with the dark energy without getting hurt.

A phenomenal that now stomped them as they wondered how they would get her out without being harmed by the darkness. Ren Wentian was still worried about this when Lu Tao rushed in with great news.

The dark energy was receding even more and the things it had swallowed up years ago were reappearing in mint condition that was not all the young Miss had been discovered some distance away from the estate and was still unconscious.

He quickly rushed up to her room where she was surrounded by a group of worried people as they watched over her peaceful figure. She didn't seem to have any injury and was just quietly laying there as if she was asleep.

While they were busy watching her a pair of eyes shot open in the lower levels of the mansion as the woman who had been in a coma for a long period of time woke up.

She sat up and calmly looked around the empty room before getting off the ice cold bed and staggering out of the room. Her body slowly got stronger with every step and she was quickly stable as she walked up the familiar steps.

Even though it took her a long time she still made it to the young Miss's room which was still crowded. The door was open and she silently walked into the room causing a ruckus as one of her friends screamed after seeing her figure.

They all stared at her in shock as she smiled at all of them before speaking up hoarsely." The young Miss is fine she is just tired."