
Shameless Young Miss: The Transcendent Lily

Chen Li Ju, is an identity shrouded with mystery and loads of drama. Ranging from an absentee mother who abandoned her in a brothel just to become a concubine and her ever missing father.... https://discord.gg/5Js5XWh4

eneukn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

26 Second Pill

Chen Liju was still sad when she got back to huge room and sat on her comfy bed thinking back to the comatose woman wondering how she was supposed to help her recover when she didn't even know what was wrong with her in the first place but no matter how much she wanted to give up she could not forget the gardeners' eyes.

They seemed to believe that she could help and since they had been with her in the early years that she had forgotten she wondered if there really was a way in her memories. If she could only have them all back, thinking of that she remembered the bottle of pills and quickly rummaged through her belongings before smiling happily after finding it.

She still remembered the previous time she had taken the pill and was hesitant as she felt the pain she had experienced that time all over again. Her hand was tightly clutched round the bottle as she weighed her options before opening up the bottle and taking out a single pill. She was just about to pop the pill into her mouth when the cheerful noisy maid servant rushed into her chambers yelling in excitement" My lady, my lady!"

Her cheeks were displaying a red rosy color making her look cute as she happily smiled before her." We were invited to a banquet"

She announced joyfully failing to see the frown that now marred her lady who seemed to be irritated. Sighing Liju inconspicuously put away the pill and hid the bottle below her pillow turning to face the happy girl.

"A banquet? who is hosting it?" she asked wondering who was ballsy enough to invite such a character as herself.

The girl seemed to almost reach her bursting point as she smiled even wider before yelling out a name that shocked her into silence. "Princess Xie Shenzhen"

She didn't know why the princess would invite her but still accepted the invitation and sent out the girl so she could finally swallow the pill. A familiar painful feeling engulfed her before she fell back in a faint.

It was weird, she was back in the field she had seen last time and there was no one present this time as she stood in the middle looking around. She also felt different and looked down on her figure to see she was dressed up in a familiar cloth she had seen among her clothes. She had not known what it was but had still packed it away when she had been moving out. Her body was also moving in a strange dance making her feel like she was just looking through the eyes but could not control any of her actions. It reminded her of how she had occupied someone else's body and wondered if her soul had felt the same throughout the years.

Guilt had been plaguing her ever since Ren had told her the truth she knew he said the soul had agreed but it was still young and had probably not thought it through. The young soul had not thought about how someone else would take over her life and family she had probably ruined everything which would have been different. She could still remember how her family members never took her seriously and only her father cared about how she was doing. Now the original person would have to live throughout her life and possibly suffer due to the decisions she had made in her place. Maybe she didn't want to do medicine or have the friends she had made maybe she even hated the fact she had never been in a real relationship at the age of twenty.

Maybe she would forever hate herself for having her first kiss taken by an asshole who didn't care about her. She now realized every single decision she had made was probably messing up someone's life and maybe she now hated her. Her heart hurt for her and she screamed when a sharp pain jolted through her head.

That was when she realized a bolt of lightning had struck her before looking up at the now grey cloudy sky. She didn't know when the previously clear sky had changed and was shocked when the body remained standing as huge bolts of lightning hit the things around her. A couple of bolts had targetted her but had not hurt when they came into contact with the clothes she was wearing making her wonder if It was the armor of anti lightning defense. That still didn't explain what she was doing standing below a strong and heavy lightning strike.

"Let it course through you!" she heard a male voice yell from behind her and wanted to turn but could not because another bunch of bolts struck straight towards her. She did something crazy which was to stretch her hand in an attempt to catch the rushing bolts. She felt a sudden immense force hit her and was disoriented as her body absorbed the shock and moved it around her body. The practice went on for a while before the sky cleared and she fell onto the ground kneeling she felt exhausted and sat there listlessly.

"Don't be so downcast you are getting better" she heard a voice say above her before she looked up into the familiar face of her father. She felt her heart almost stop as she looked at the familiar features that had seemed to blur in her memories but were now clear.

"But why am I supposed to do this every time?" she heard a young childish voice complaining as her father helped her up. She still felt emotional and was only staring at him not bothered about what else was happening. She felt both happy and nostalgic as she followed him out the clearing.

"What did I tell you?" he instead asked ignoring her earlier question.

"I have to be the best" she was shocked when she responded and realized she had finally gotten control over the body.

"Why?" he went on asking not realizing he was talking to an entirely different person. She was not sure and wondered if this was a memory or a fantasy presented as a dream but strongly felt like it had happened.

"Because I was gifted" she went on to say making her feel a tug from the back of her mind and suddenly felt dizzy before falling onto the ground. She shut her eyes and held her head in her arms before she jacked up at the sound of voices. She was now in her familiar room but her younger self was on the bed with her dad sitted next to her.

"It is a library you have access to everything and know where it all is now reaching out for what you -" she started at the scene and clenched her head tighter as she was jacked into another place she had never been to. The two familiar characters were still present and she watched earnestly as her tiny figure performed sorcery before she was jacked elsewhere. She felt like she was being split apart as her consciousness jumped from place to place making her disoriented.

"Remember, no one is on your side but you, not even me" she finally stopped and this time everything was moving normally different from the rushed memories she had seen before. She felt sad and heartbroken as she watched her innocent and confused expression as she looked up to her dad.

"But you love me right?" she asked remembering every time he would tell her he loved her and would do anything for her. She had not understood the previous times but he had done just that after this episode.

"I do you are the only one I have" he responded in a broken voice before caressing her cheek and smoothing her hair and tucking it behind her ear.

"Then you are on my side" she naively retorted with a bright smile.

"No, you know I am not" he responded coldly before turning to her kneeling figure. The young version of her disappeared as she locked eyes with her father.

"Remember no one cares about you!" he yelled before everything around her started to crumble and she cried out. She remembered she now knew what he meant she was all alone she accepted as her eyes roamed around the dark void around her. This time she didn't feel the need to run, where should she go any way she was alone and no one cared.