
Walking together for a lifetime as a salted fish (1)

Walking together as a salted fish for life

Ning le's attitude surprised Wang dongdong and Li jingran.

Although during these few days, everyone had silently acknowledged Xu Nan's leadership position. After all, he was the boss since he was rich ... But such a humble attitude, was it really because she was infected by Xu Nan's super strong personal charm?

The two of them expressed their doubts.

When they noticed that ning le's new shield was shining in a low-key yet luxurious light in the dark night, they seemed to understand something.

With everyone's blessings, the group of four took the lead and walked into the cave one after another.

The attitude of the majority of the students became more optimistic. Maybe it was because they were touched by ning le's hot-bloodedness, but even more people had a higher opinion of Xu Nan.

After all, for his companion to say such resolute words, he must be a leader with extraordinary talent, right?