
Shameless CEO and The Cursed Cat

"She is the one!" "Kill her!" "She is cursed and would bring the ruin of our kind." Morgana being the cursed cat, was thrown into the human world, to serve as a maid for a particular human, claimed to be her fated master. So many rules were laid down for her to follow, in which they believed everything that could make her fulfil the prophecy would be trampled on while serving. They believe she would be broken. They thought they were saved, but failed to realize the one fated to ruin them was still in their midst and just used Morgana as a scapegoat to make them relax their guards. This enemy could see into the future and had ruined Morgana by acting as her friend. Her aim was to claim everything that belongs to Morgana and that includes the shameless CEO, named Drake, who it the sole reason she wish to visit the human realm. Everyone was powerful. This one enemy couldn't match them in form of strength, but has the ability to scheme, having them all wrapped around her fingers. Ability to manipulate and use each individual's weaknesses against them. While Morgana was serving as a maid, her enemy was growing stronger by the day. Her enemy was dominating everything that belonged to her. The prophecy was fulfilled at the end, but the royal family took the fall. Morgana knew nothing about this. ……. But everything changes for her life of serving an unfair banishment when Drake visits the Villa in which she worked. He was a man of refined taste and Morgana was the most beautiful she had ever seen. Deeming himself as a perfect man, Drake believes they compliment each other so well and made her an offer. He would help her escape her life as a serving girl and in return, he would get the chance to pursue her……. A huge war began in the human realm, with the shameless CEO tangled in between.

Miss_Giggle · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Prologue (The Cursed Cat)

"Mother! Tell the priest to take it back!"

An angry furry ball bare its fang at the thousands of furry beings present that were looking pleased with the banishment of his twin sister.

They claimed she's cursed, because she was the first of their kind to be born with a snow white fur and eyes that changes colors.

The exact qualities mentioned in the prophecy.

But the enraged cat finds his sister one of a kind and of course, family. He didn't want her to get hurt.

He felt like he must protect his sister no matter what, even though their parents just silently watched everything unfold.

According to the prophecy, a cat born with a new unique fur and rainbow eyes would bring the destruction of their clan.

She will be the reason their world would cease to exist.


And his sister happened to be the prophesied kitten.

They are of royalty. She's the princess of the clan, and he's the prince.

Their parents are the Goddamn rulers and yet, they are letting their child get banished.

They didn't even lock her up or something, but being thrown away into the human realm to serve as a slave for 30 years and then returned to the clan automatically?

How cruel!

How do they plan to let her live for so long all by herself and for a princess to serve as a slave?

What the heck!

According to them, she would lose her dignity and any damn thing that might influence her to bring the clan's downfall.

There's more to this craziness, but he didn't want to think about all that was just said, because the more he thought about it, the more enraged he got.

Morgana stared at her brother with eyes glowing with tears.

Well, thanks to that, the entire members of the clan bare out their fangs and a series of growling could be heard, because her eyes that could change colors, were displaying numerous colors at the moment.

Thanks to her emotions that got riled up.

She lowered her head and her tears fell down uncontrollably.

She turned to look at her parents.

Her mother, who's the leader….

Yes, the females are the leader of the clan, while the male just protect. They serve as their mate's guard.

The female rules, while the male support.

That's simply their way.

Her mother has a mixture of black and golden fur. It sounds simple, but being royalty, the golden color on her coat glows beautifully, making her the most enchanting cat in their clan, until she was born of course.

She's the first of her kind to be born with a white fur.

Even though more of her kind will start to exist after then, she's still the first of her kind.

And yeah, her snow-white fur glows as well. They even nearly covered her eyes, which would have shield the secret of her eye color, but she was betrayed.

Perhaps, they wouldn't have believed she's the one from the prophecy if she had listened to her parents and not associated with others.

Perhaps if she hadn't trusted a friend, she wouldn't have turned out like this.

She had accepted her fate, even though it hurts.

Even though her parents are all about protecting their clan at all cost, her twin brother didn't care about that.

He only cares about her and they are very fond of each other.

Her mother looked away, not meeting her gaze.

Morgana understood her, sadly. They possess a strong sense of responsibility after all and must do what they had to.

And oh! Speaking of responsibility, this twin brother of hers, sees her as his responsibility.

He felt like everyone turned their back on their princess, family and child, so he had to stand against them for her, but he's not capable of protecting her from all the clan.

They are obviously scared of her and they might try to hurt the royal family out of fear.

Each one of them had special abilities and even though the royal families are more powerful, the combination of all the clans members against them alone will be a ruin to their family.

For instance, each of them could live 8 lifetimes, which means they could die and be revived again for a total of 8 times, but being royalty, they had 3 times that privilege.

Her brother who still stood protective in front of her at the moment was gifted with a few abilities and one of them included being able to bring out the 24 extra lives he had in the form of Doppelgangers and each of them would still have his strength and abilities.

He's an army of his own.

And oh! At the moment, he was doing just that.

Since the entire clan growled after seeing her eyes, her brother had started calling his 24 Doppelgangers to live, so he could protect her if they attacked.

This was the reason Morgana turned to look at her parents.

They communicate through their mind, but meow to communicate with others and the content is clear to whoever heard it.

"Take care of my brother, mama and dada." Morgana said to them.

"Take care of yourself, my baby."

Morgana heard them reply in her head, their tone very sad and she could feel it.

Even she was scared of herself, because she's like the vessel of powers and special abilities. She's obviously the strongest among the clan.

She discovered what she could do and it scares her.

Morgana also believed herself to be cursed and didn't doubt that perhaps she would actually bring the entire clan's downfall.

She moved closer to her brother, who had jet black fur, totally opposite her own.

She licked his chin and pressed her head to his own.

"Khalid, calm down. I promise to be fine." She assured her brother.

Khalid cried, feeling his chest tightened as he further snuggled closer to his sister.

The verdict has been made anyway and as time ticked by, her body was starting to prepare to be sucked into the human realm and took the shape of the human race.

"I will find you, Morgana. I will look for a way to break the curse and bring you back. I will be strong enough to protect you then and no one would ever bully you again. Not even mama and dada." Khalid vowed.

Morgana just let herself enjoy her brother's warmth while it lasted.

She knew there's no way this brother of hers would find her, but she didn't want to say that to him.

All of a sudden, Khalid pulled away and faced the whole clan.

"At least let her take her personal maid along." He said, giving up in arguing with them, since he had set his mind on getting his sister back anyway.

He heaved a sigh of relief when the maid stepped out before anyone could object.

She has a cheetah shade fur and was very cute with it's round eyes, chubby body, that made her look like a round furry ball.

And most importantly, she has a pure soul.

"I wish to embark on this journey with the princess. I promise I won't get in the way of her punishment, but let me be beside her so that she wouldn't feel alone." Ayana was her name.

She pleaded with them with tears damping the fur below her eyes.

Her special ability is a very useful one, since she could take pain away.

And yeah, even Morgana has this power.

Everyone was shocked when the ruler, who is Morgana's mother, spoke up.

"Your request is granted." She said, ignoring the disapproving look on everyone's face.

"Thank you, Ayana."

Ayana heard their honourable ruler and her husband said in her head.

The priest doesn't need to curse for Ayana to be able to leave with Morgana, because one word from the ruler alone has that effect.

She just didn't want to be the one to curse her own baby.

And just like that, the cursed cat was banished to the human realm, along with her maid, Ayana.

Before she vanished completely, she heard the voice of the one that betrayed her in her head.

"Goodbye, princess…. Hum, I mean slave."

It was her used-to-be friend, who exposed her to everyone.

She glanced around and made sure to locate her among the crowd.

Sh has brown fur and purple eyes.

She would never forget those eyes and heck! She will be back!

She would get her revenge for sure. She's known for her nasty temper and her inability to forgive anyway.

Immediately hers and her servant's figure vanished, the whole clan heaved a sigh of relief.

The prophecy has been prevented.

The cursed cat is gone.