
Shall he rise or fall

A story revolving around our main character As he journey's on the path of cultivation what will be his goal Will he have the determination to live in such a cruel world or will he simply adapt SHALL HE RISE OR FALL _______________________ As this is my very first novel I know that it might be rough around the edges I'll try to improve especially my descriptions Oh well if your wondering were the dark and villain tag comes in... Stick around to find out

Lifeajourneyofpain · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Proxy Outer Vermillion house

As the tenth elder left a core disciple with whom I could only guess was in charge of brought out a carpet that could allow all five hundred of us to fit told us to get on in which we all complied.

It was not until five minutes later that we had arrived at our destination that she told us to get off and departed.

"Good afternoon everyone I am outer deacon Lee and am in charge of managing the outer Vermillion house the library of all arts that outer disciples have access too,on normal occasions you would have to pay in order to access this place and even take an art from it so a Proxy Puter Vermillion Hall is built every year with only techniques that are attuned to elements

There are no techniques that require weapons in this proxy as you are still young and inexperienced so you need time to think of your weapon choice"

"Any questions?"he said in boredom,and as he said that he was about to tell them to follow not expecting any questions but as they say you can never predict the future, well in this worlds case if you don't have the power to do so that is.

"Wait immortal!"

Deacon Lee was at first surprised but than started laughing "Don't call me an immortal I'm nowhere near one"he said in bated breaths as it had been a long time since he had been called an immortal that he had completely forgotten he even slapped his knee as he laughed.

"Tell me boy what is your question?"

The boy who had spoken right now was Isaac Snow and he had an advanced spirit root.

"I have many sir please may you tell me how high my advanced spirit root is compared to others as well as are we allowed to choose four arts if we have four elements?"he said clearly wanting to show off but no one could blame him as he had the one of the highest potential out of all of them.

Lower than only twelve individuals 10 with top grade spirit roots and two with heaven spirit roots.

" I'll just tell you the order in which spirit roots are categorized first low grade, medium grade,high grade than advanced"as he finnished he could see the happiness on the boys face but than he...




Well even though I don't have the highest grade cultivation talent I'm not far off.




Continued "Than there's the top cultivation talent followed by the heavenly cultivation talent etc so don't be proud of yourself there's still one after that and yes if you have four elements you can pick four if that's all follow me"

Well I did not expect that but oh well I didn't really have some grand dreams of becoming the strongest.

As they followed he explained more about realms starting from qi condensation to foundation establishment ending there but as he was asked by a curious fellow what was after he just said the Core formation realm.

"This is where we depart and word of advise don't try to bite of more than you can chew we are watching you."

With that he simply left like a ghost.

But then he appeared again.

"Oh and head over to the Recource Hall to get your outer sect robes,first five volumes of qi condensation manuals,your disciple identification token etc"

After saying that he left like a ghost again even though he showed slight embarrassment he was too old to not be able to hide it.

Everyone stood still for a few minutes to see whether deacon Lee would come back but than after seeing no sign of him people had been restless to get techniques so after not seeing him all hell broke loose as people started running

"Should we also go?"Nick said as he had not gone like the rest as well as a few other people such as Isaac,Sophie,Vivian and forty other people he did not know the names of but from the looks of it they either had talent comparable or above him.

Seeing such behavior his father would frown upon he also understood why his father did not like it whenever he would run to go get food.

But as he saw that Nick did not follow along he suddenly thought that he must also be quite civilized even though he looked very...,how should I put it dirty?

"Why didn't you go along with them?"

"I cannot read"Nick said with some shame.

Emrys started laughing "Were you not listening when outer deacon Lee said that the manuals could be automatically read even though you had no prior knowledge on how to read"

"Uh he did?" My view of him being highly intelligent was nipped in the bud.

"What are your talents?" I asked half interested as I did not expect him to have high talents.

While I was about to look around" I have an advanced spirit root as well as triple element of earth,metal and lightning and you?"

I looked at him flabbergasted at his talent and said absentmindedly "high grade spirit root as well as the two elements of fire and blood"

Well looks like I picked up a talent.

"Ok I'm just going to say it since I can assume we're now friends"

At the moment I said friends I could see happiness in his eyes.

"I'll be the brains of this operation as you clearly don't look very bright"

I could feel the offense in his eyes but I could not bother.

"After all a good general does need subordinates"I said in a joking tone

"Oh? so your calling yourself my surbodinate,very well"he said as my joke had lifted up his mood

"What are you thinking I'm obviously the general"

They continued their banter on who was the general for a while.

And that's how a friendship that would last until who knows when began.


"Ok enough with that as I see that we both can get three techniques."so with no intention of talking anymore my patience had already reached its limit

There were thousands of books right in front of him about CULTIVATION he couldn't control himself any longer.




After he had made his decision to head to the fire element section first he arrives there in a few minutes and once he arrived there were about a hundred youths reading and or looking for manuals.

'It seems like the fire element is quite common'I thought with a feeling of loss.

But that feeling left as fast as it came as looking at all these manuals felt like heaven.

And he immediately started searching through for a suitable cultivation manual not minding the others.

had to completely re-edit chapter-_-

Lifeajourneyofpaincreators' thoughts