

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 9: The Wolf Prince

(Sara POV)

After I triggered the evacuation alarm, I went to look for the samples. I went to the hall and saw two guys charging at me with batons.

The first guy swings at me but I stopped his hand and took out my silenced pistol and shot him in the leg then shoot the other guy in the leg. I propped myself to the man's side and backflip myself to kick the other guy and landed my feet on the wall, then I planted my foot to the ground while kicking the leg of the guy I was holding on to and slammed him to the ground. I shot the guy in the head then the other as well.

After recovering, I proceeded to the direction of the research room where they keep the samples. I reached my destination and saw there are people inside with guns, and my silenced pistol is down to one bullet. Seeing subtlety is no longer an option and necessary, I put away my silenced pistol and pulled out two revolvers.

Doing a military style breach, I swooped inside and shot the first two guys, the guys begins to shoot me so I hid behind the desk. Taking cover from shots and exchanging bullets, I'm going to do which by far my impressive skill. I aim my gun to a certain part of a wall, closing my one eye and taking a deep breath. I fired at that and the bullet bounced from that wall to the desk then the wall until it hits the last guy that was hiding behind a desk. The guy jerked from pain then fell down exposing his head, which I took the opportunity to off him.

I stood up and looked around. There are samples everywhere, which looks like vials of purple liquid, and computers have data about it. After a moment I took the submachine gun from the dead guy shot the samples and the CPUs of the computers. After a minute or two, I went to the door and took out an incendiary grenade and threw it in the room. I left the room before it exploded, burning everything.

After that I head to the storage room where they keep the rest of the samples and data, then I got confirmation from Crowe that he killed Croquitos.


(Third Person View)

Crowe went through the exit but he had to run through the gardens, though it was deserted. Unfortunately, he found himself blocked by the same soldiers dressed in white from the news.

These are the White Sword and all of them are pointing their rifles at me.

"At ease men! I shall handle this myself!" a pious voice called out.

The soldier straightened their posture and lowered their rifles away as the middle ones stepped aside for the source of the voice to reveal himself.

Crowe has seen this guy on the news for sure. The same short white hair, fair skinned and blue eyes, wearing a white high-collared coat with blue cuffs and military badges including silver wolf head badge on his left breast, white vest and blue dress shirt, grey gloves, dark blue pants and grey boots. What's notable is that he has a silver belt with a sheathed sword on his left hip.

"I am Nathan Wolfe, The Wolf Prince, and you must be the Reaper."

Crowe stood and said nothing as he continues on.

"This is your only warning! Surrender and you shall be treated with mercy!" Nathan said.

In a flash, the soldier next to him was knocked back, in slow-mo perception a rock was found at his stomach before he flew back and crashed to the ground. Nathan looked front to see Crowe was the one who threw that rock, then Crowe gave a scowl that reads 'he doesn't give a crap'.

The rest of the soldiers then pointed their rifles at him but Nathan raised his hand before the soldiers relinquish their weapons.

"I see you would choose violence. If not for my honor, you deserve to die for that. Very well!" Nathan said.

The self-proclaimed Wolf Prince then unsheathed his sword and walks forward.

"As captain of the White Sword! I shall place you under arrest!"

He straightened his sword in a fencing style before sprinting towards Crowe. But the reaper immediately pulled his weapon out into its kama form in time to block the incoming attack, they locked blades for a bit before both of them jumped backwards.

Crowe ran to Nathan and attempted to swing his kama at his head but Nathan blocked it then Crowe did roundhouse kick which he ducked. Crowe swings two times then spins which Nathan dodged each strike before Crowe strikes at his sword that was coming for him, then he did a spin and swing three times before locking blades once more.

Crowe pushed his blade down before bringing his left foot up and kicked his face while landing on his hand and one handed back spring. He ran towards the prince with a jumping roundhouse and struck his kama downwards and did a back flip kick.

Nathan dodged and parried all these before winding up and thrust his sword for a stab, but Crowe raised his kama upside down to block and pass through his left side and took the opportunity to punch him in the face, which cause Nathan to fall to the ground and Crowe rolled and did the landing pose.

The two got up and faced each other once more.

"I admit you are skilled in combat, which means I'll have to take you more seriously." Nathan said

Crowe saw that his left hand is forming icy blue wisps.

"I shall show you the power of the White Sword!!!"

He then launches a barrage of ice from his hand heading straight for the reaper. His eyes widened in shock before he immediately jumped to the side to avoid it, then he saw Nathan coming at him for swing, he jumped up to the air backwards but Nathan sends another ice projectile at him.

Seeing no way to dodge it, Crowe made an X with arms to block it. As it hits him it froze him arms into place.

"Dammit! he's got magic, is this what that juice will give them?" he thinks to himself.

Then he saw Nathan charging for him once more. His arms may be frozen in place but he can still use his arms to block him, after block two or three attacks from the prince he jumped backwards to gain some distance.

Using his strength he broke out of the ice. He saw a wave of ice coming at him so he roll to the side then sprinted to him. He struck his sword and Nathan attempted to freeze him, which he dodged, he hit him again which he tried to freeze his feet, which he jumped over him, then Crowe swings horizontally which Nathan creates an ice pillar underneath his feet to spring himself backwards, creating distance for a face off once more.

"Heh! You seem very comfortable with that experimental equipment of yours." Crowe pointed out.

Nathan huffed then smirked as he decided to use a different tactic, he creates another ice pillar underneath his feet to launch himself very high up. When he looked down, Crowe was nowhere to be seen, that is until he became shock to see the reaper in front of him, appearing as is he leapt to his air level and he didn't even see him coming.

With the scythe now extended into a polearm in his left hand, he knocks the sword away then punched him in the gut, then he front flip himself to axe kick the prince to the ground. After landing, Crowe ran to him to finish him off, but Nathan recovered and took the sword to block the strike. The two are locked in the blade struggle as they pushed their weapons to each other in attempts to overpower.

"ENOUGH!!!" Nathan roared as he pushed the blade away then blasted Crowe back with ice, freezing his body into place but not his head.

Nathan gets up and signaling his men to surround him with theirs guns trained while Crowe struggles to break out of the ice.

"Do not bother!!! I made sure to strengthen the ice. You can't break free!" Nathan said as he stood in front of him.

Crowe gave a snarl as the prince walked backwards.

"Men! Take him away!"

As the soldiers slowly approach him, a knife suddenly landed on the ice and a beeping noise was heard. The knife suddenly exploded, knocking away the soldiers and breaking the ice. Crowe was free and he saw it was Sara who saved him, looks like she's finished with those samples, then a grey pickup truck broke through the doors and drifted itself until it was stopped front of him.

Akindele is in driver's seat, shooting out his AK-47 at the soldiers, some got hit, others took cover and started shooting and Nathan raised an ice wall to protect himself. Crowe gets up and gets on the truck, followed by Sara who was shooting her revolvers while running to the truck. She gets on and pats the hood of the truck.


Akindele stops shooting and hits the gas, driving around Nathan and the soldiers into the exit, they drove off until they're out of sight.

Nathan stares off with a disappointed look on his face.

"Tch!" he mentally cursed himself before tending to his men.


Meanwhile the pickup truck was driving off in the city, taking routes to lose their pursuers along with help Daphne hacking in the traffic and looking for escape routes, Crowe and Sara are sitting in the back while having his wounds healed.

"Boss and Shinonome are safe, they left the moment the evacuation started!" Sara said then turned to Crowe.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll live." Crowe replied.

"That guy, he used magic, is that what that serum gives?"

He stayed silent and soon so did Sara for the rest of the way. Crowe knew he had magic himself, only his was not experimental as he thought, only a different origin. But even he could not tell if the prince's magic was experimental or not.

All he knows now is that things will not get so easy anymore if people with those kind of powers will get in his way.