

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 7: Taking Measures

In the government headquarters, rather the place is built like some rich company only shady happens, a place securities are but pawn with misplaced cause and suits who play the arbiters of individual lives.

A certain man was walking from elevator into the hallway. He walks until he is in front of a door labeled "Governor-General's Office".

He opens and enters the office, which is greeted with the dark but window does light the room, he greeted, removed his hat and bowed.

"Good morning Governor-General Strahm." he spoke in a calm demeanor.

In the other side of the office sits behind the desk is none other than Governor-General Caine Strahm, his looks resemble his brother Alden but older, and frosted hair tips, he wear a white suit with red accents decorated gold medals.

"What do you want now Cypher! I got my hands full!!!"

The man named Cypher stepped out of the shadows to reveal his shady visage. He has ash-white blonde swept back hair with some strands on the front, black sunglasses concealing his eyes, fair skin and a smile, donning a dark blue coat-suit, lilac shirt with purple scarf, dark blue trousers held up by two golden belts with snake patterns and brown shoes and a matching dark blue fedora. Something about this man screams 'suspicious snake'.

"Regarding the news about Warehouse 59 you mean?" Cypher replied in what you call a harmless tone.

The older Strahm said nothing as he put a cigarette in his mouth before lighting it up.

"These pesky resistances had been nothing but annoying troublemakers these past few weeks, just some bugs who are not worth swatting." he spoke as he enjoyed his cigarette.

After a second he threw his glass into a wall, missing Cypher, shattering upon impact and looked furious. "But now ever since The Reaper arrived in the city, he gave them a fighting chance THAT THREATENS THE ORDER I HAVE BUILT!!! WE EVEN LOST OUR WEAPON SUPPLY!!!"

"Calm down sir, you should still have some comfort in knowing that there's still some amount of stock weapons and the samples of the Mystic Serum still intact." Cypher said calmly, not intimidated from the Governor-General's tantrums in the slightest.

"But it's only matter of time before they get the rest, this must be taken care of immediately!!!"

"Well you do have security combing the streets for these...pesky resistances as you say." Cypher said with the emphasis on that word and he continued on.

"But I'm afraid our errand girl in red is currently away on a mission."

The Governor-General grumbled on the unsatisfactory upon his security resource since they are not efficient enough but then Cypher made another suggestion.

"Perhaps you would like to call in a favor with the White Sword?"

"No!!! I'm already in dept to them, and they can't find out what we have been doing under the public's noses."

"I'll take care of that, after all you know how gullible they are, asserting their order, especially their golden boy 'Wolf Prince' is the most eager of them."

The Governor-General thought about it for a moment and after a long minute of silence he finally complied.

"Very well, Send them in."

He then got up from his seat.

"I need to make preparations for the announcement, I need to let our citizens know the measure of our security to secure our peace and prosperity we have built."

"Right away, Governor-General." Cypher bowed once more, fixed his hat and left. Governor-General Strahm was left in his office to take his seat, while puffing his cigarette he's in deep thought.

"Just a little more time and humanity will become the dominant race again."

While Cypher, after leaving the office, walking the hallways, his harmless looking smile grew wide into a snakelike grin, this guy gives off sinister vibes.



Next day back in the hideout, Sara, Akindele, Daphne, Shinonome, even Crowe were gathered in the cafeteria to celebrate their first takedown of one of the government's power supply. They dine in the table full of pizzas, colas, meat and salad. They sing songs and Daphne showing videos of....cats?

Well as everyone's having a good time Crowe left and wandered the abandoned school. He was walking back to his room until his thoughts began to wander, found himself going up the stairs until he reached to the rooftop door.

The rooftop hasn't been clean either, on left was an empty greenhouse with shelves of old pots and rotted plants. But other than that, he reached the railing on the edge of the building and caught a glimpse on the view of the city, ok maybe some parts of this old jank school aren't that bad, it's rather peaceful.

Crowe took a minute to reminisce the atmosphere.

"Bliss isn't it?"

Crowe turned to the source of the voice and found it was none other than Alden Strahm. But he not bother to turn to face him so he continued on the small talk

"This is where we go when we need our thoughts to ourselves, peaceful ones. Though Daphne and Akindele are the only ones capable of ruining the moments."

"So you haven't found them yet?" Crowe interrupted him.

Alden knows so far that he never loses focus on what he wants, and doesn't give time to care for trivialities. He sighed and decided to give what he wants to hear.

"Daphne saw from the surveillance in the city border that the Crimson Warrior takes a carrier full of soldiers leaving the city east of here, it would seemed my brother sent them on another mission."

He explained but then saw Crowe's fist tightening.

"I know you intend to abandon us and go after them, but we still need your help."

Crowe again did not face Alden but he's still determine to convince him.

"This mission is a success because of you and the resistance is grateful, but you know we can't do this without you. If you want to leave we won't stop you, I only ask that you consider to stay and continue to help us, please Crowe we need you."

Crowe finally turns to face Alden and saw he was being sincere. He had no interest to help them, but deep down he's right, there's only so much they can do and resistance gained their first victory because of him. After a long stare off Sara came to call up on them.

" Boss! you have to see this!"

She got their attention before heading back inside. As they reached the cafeteria, Daphne, Akindele and Shinonome were in front of Daphne's laptop, they are viewing the news broadcasting a press conference where Governor-General Strahm was giving a statement from behind a podium.


News Broadcast

"People of Empire City, I am Governor-General Caine Strahm and it has come to my attention that last night, three bombings occurred in three separate places. We have gained information from eye witnesses that survived these bombings regarding that these are the works of the terrorists known as The Resistance."

The press murmurs so he continued.

"However, one of the eye witness reports that an infamous killer known as 'The Reaper' has been aiding them."

The press' murmurs turned into questions.

"Isn't he the one who attacked St. Olga's?"

"Didn't he destroyed his own hometown, Hollow Hills?"

"Is he going to bring death to us all?"

"I heard there's a pretty pricey bounty on his head."

The questions goes on until the Governor-General speaks up.

"But worry not, the Empire City has no tolerance for these pesky resistances. That's why we have enlisted the finest task force the Wolfe Industries has ever produced."

He raised his hand to the soldiers dressed in white, blue, and golden accents, each held silver rifles and sheathed swords in their left hips. Among them that sticks out and standing in front of them is young boy with short white hair and a white coat.

"The White Sword! these fine soldiers will aid us to hunt down these terrorists and bring them into custody, we shall not allow them to disrupt this peace and prosperity we have built together."

The press attempted to bombard him with questions but Strahm didn't need to urge to be quite.

"I also have a personal message for the resistance if they so happen to be watching this footage: Don't bother escaping, surrender is your only option. That is all."


Daphne cuts the news there and the group engage into a conversation.

"It would seem they know we have the Reaper and they hunting us down." Sara said.

"Then we're going to have to lay low until things calm down, and that's no one steps outside unless necessary." Shinonome said

"Aww more cautions but I wanted to let loose" Daphne whined.

"And get us all caught?!!!"

Most of everyone complained about the news and cautionary measures until Alden urges them silent then looks at Crowe.

"We made the first move....will you continue to help us?"

The look on Alden's face sends a signal to Crowe reminding him of the conversation he had on the rooftop. Everyone has their eyes on him. After a brief period of silence Crowe answered.

"As long as I get my revenge in the end, so be it."

Everyone's now pumped at the resident reaper's approval and Alden is relieved. Now, they have their card, the resistance has theirs.