

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasia
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48 Chs

Chapter 19: Rise of Justice

After the crazy events at the library, Alex is currently concentrating to form that same magic in his hand.

After a moment, dark red wisp began to form in his hand and conjured a black and red ball made of wisp with in his palm.

He maintained it for a while before he slowly wave his hand around while the wisp mirrored his movements.

It's weird, he doesn't know his magic quite well and yet he's actually quite stronger. It would seem that his control would manifest at his will. He remembered the last time he used this magic was killing.

He absorbs souls from his victims, healing him and sometimes view their memories, it's been that way. But he didn't realize it also makes him stronger.

"So that is magic."

His thoughts were interrupted which caused the wisp to disappear, he turned to see Lily, the girl he saved, once bewildered replaced with panic as she felt she disturbed.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was bothering you, I-I-..." she stammered. Alex finds this cute which causes him to chuckle.

"It's fine, I thought you're in school."

"I-I was but with everything happening, the school decided to send us home. I came to see how you were...doing."

"I see."

A long silence befell on the two. She doesn't how to interact with her saviour, while he doesn't talk much himself, not since Daphne and Akindele.

"Um." Lily broke the silence as she struggles to say something.

"Could...Could you show it to me again?"

Alex looked at Lily which she looked back at him like an eager puppy, which is cute. It wasn't so easy to bring up magic, but he'll try his best.

He brought up his left hand into a fist and concentrated, then he opened his fist and a dark red wisp came out. He saw Lily's face who was in awe, so he decided to get a little creative.

He closed his fist and the wisp shrinks a little but surging, then he flicked his hand open and the wisp splits into five more.

"Whoa! that's really cool." Lily look led starstruck, then after a minute her face saddened when remembered something she's been meaning to ask him about.

"Um...Sara told me everything, about your sister... you're going to kill her."

Alex fell silent but still maintained his magic, then sighed and replied to her.

"That's why I'm here, and I'll stop at nothing to get my revenge."

"But isn't it wrong though, just because she hurt you?"

Alex said nothing and thought of her naive.

"I know you're angry, but you shouldn't assume her as your enemy all because she turned her back on you. Even cruel siblings have to care at some point, maybe she's done it for a reason"

"Whatever that reason is, the deed is done. That's why I must be the one to make her pay" Alex said bitterly.

"Would you?.... She's still your sister...she still loves you in her own way."

Alex dispelled his magic and stayed silent as he let her words sink in, perhaps she wasn't naive as he thought. For a long time he hates, he kills, he eats and he hides. Upon realizing the cold, hard truth, he became saddened on the concept of what he is.

A hateful creature that knows nothing but kill and eat.

Seconds later, Sara entered the room and calls out to Alex.

"Alex, you have to come and see this."

The reaper nodded as he stood up and followed Sara downstairs to the TV.



"This news has brought you a shocking revelation of a strange worm-like creature appeared on the city library has brought in a turmoil and Governor-General Caine Strahm himself held a news conference earlier today." the newscaster reports then rolls to the news conference himself.

"Sir, how do you respond to this incident?" The news interviewer asked.

"I assure you these slanderous attacks against us are the work of the resistance." The Governor-General Strahm answered.

"Sir, do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion of the people is the basis of your rule?." the reporter asked again.

"Why of course! I was called upon by this catastrophe and took action to bring down this creature ourselves."

However the reporter had doubts.

"Then how would you characterize this statement?"

The reporter brought up pictures and evidence on the screen, showing the government's darkest secret. The Governor-General was horrified yet kept his composure.

"You think you have the right to question me?This interview is over." The agitated Strahm lost his cool real quick then fled the scene and pans back to the newscaster.

"This evidence was brought up by his private soldiers, The White Sword. It turns out that the government not only kept this knowledge to themselves, but they also experimented with these creature under the public eye. They were responsible for the disappearing of a small number of civilians, they also produce some sort of super powered army."

"Let's hear it from the Captain of the White Sword, Nathan Wolfe."

"I was called in to handle the Resistance, but I did not see the secret our own government was hiding. But what they did disgusts me and this cannot stand any longer, we shall take action and bring Caine Strahm to justice."

"The people now incites protests and riots against their ruling government and giving their full support on the White Sword and the Resistance."

"Could the Resistance be right all along?"


The Governor-General entered his entered his office and stumps his way to his seat, where Cypher is waiting for him.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPENED?!!!!" Strahm roared desperately.

"Looks like you're out of options sir, what will you do?"

The older Strahm sat in his chair trying to calm down and think, and few moments later he spoke.

"Cypher, is the army ready?"

"All have been manufactured and ready at your command."

"I built this city through strength to glory, my wish is to give power to the powerless and this is how they repay me, I will not lose my city from the palm of my hands. Have them ready, we'll flatten them and set an example to never cross us again."

Cypher let's out a sinister grin as he obliged "Very well sir."

"And get the Crimson Warrior. they want war we'll give to them."

"As you wish."


Meanwhile in Edith's apartment.

Alex, Sara, Alden and Shinonome watched the news.

"Looks like the White Sword has finally come to their senses." Sara said.

"Isn't this great? Governor-General Strahm losing his power, his support. He'll be desperate." Shinonome chimes in

"Yes indeed but if I know my brother, he's stubborn. He would not give his seat without a fight, even if it means he would have to fight the entire world." Alden speaks.

"He has already prepared his army, just as Carmilla said. We'd walking into a fortress."

"It wouldn't be our first, why stop there?" Alex spoke up, which causes everyone to look at him, then he stood up while facing Alden.

"Victory is in your hands now, he has no support whatsoever. Are you going to throw this all away after coming this far?"

Alden sinks this in and is in deep thought, he indeed never think they would come this far. All the hardships, all the fun, all the blood, sweat and tears, what he gain and what he lost. He started this, he may as well finish it, not just because it was his mission, but because he owes it to the two friends who gave their lives for this cause.

He finally stood with a confident smile in his face.

"I started this rebellion, I will see it through the end. As the founder of this resistance, I ask of you for one final time. Bring my brother to justice."

Alex, Sara and Shinonome nodded in confidence as they felt they are ready to take on anything.