

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 13: Under Siege

Alex, Sara and Akindele hurries to the hideout as fast as they can, dodging cars left and right. When they finally arrived, they find a couple of SWAT vehicles parked in front of the school and SWAT teams too, they've already infiltrated in.

The SWAT teams opened fire at them and the trio took cover in their pickup truck.

"Listen!!! ya two gotta get everybody outta there!!" Akindele urged them.

"What about you?" Sara asked concerned.

"I'm goin to buy yo some time" Akindele replied while loading his machine gun.

"Sara! we need to get Alden and the others." Alex said.

Sara looks at Alex then Akindele for a moment before she agrees.

"Ok, let's go!" she answered as she pulls out her dual revolvers.

Just when the two were about to leave, Akindele grabs Alex's arm.


Alex looks at him before Akindele sighed.

"In case I don't make it out of this alive, Just want you to know....I'm glad to have met you Alex."

Alex's eyes widened in shock, but that didn't stop the smith clasping his hand with his like a brother as he continues to speak.

"You family now, and soon I'll be seeing mine."

Akindele finally let go of his hand a a smile, Alex hesitate before running with Sara.

Akindele smiles for a moment before coming out of hiding and begins to open fire on the SWAT teams.



Alex and Sara makes it to the backdoor as his mind pondered on his words back there.

"Why did he say that?" he thinks

Now's not the time to be distracted, head in the game. They both barge in the back door and they find men with guns, Alex took out his scythe in kama form and dash to the first guy and slash the gun away before slicing his neck then went for the other guy.

Sara shoots at two guys then takes cover as the third guy shoots at her, then retaliates by shooting the lockers that ricochets until the bullet pierce through the guy's eye.

Alex takes his kama from the guy's head and reconvenes with his ally.

"I'll find the boss you find Daphne and Shinonome!" Sara said

Alex nods as they went separate ways.


Akindele keeps shooting and yelling gleefully while the bad guys fall like flies. Unloading the final cartridge, there were no bad guys left.

"Damn I'm good!" the smith boasted as he threw his machine gun and pulled out two sawed off shotguns.


As the saying goes, 'Arrogance comes before the fall' as he was suddenly blasted by fire.

Akindele crashed into the car, dazed for moment before he looks up.

A silhouette of a woman with a red skirt and armor, holding a katana. He could see the glowing amber eyes.

"I'm next!" the woman spoke fiercely as the men behind her surrounding him with their guns down.

Akindele gets up and laughs.

"So yer da Crimson Warrior huh? Heh! Not a bad fight to go out with a bang!!!" He said, readying his shotguns with a smile of bravery.

"Fool!!! Very well." she responded as she ignites her sword with fire magic.


Akindele let's out battle cry before charging to the Crimson Warrior as she enters a countering stance.


Alex runs through the cafeteria as he makes his way to Daphne's room, when he arrives spots two men outside her door as well as a few dead bodies.

Alex immediately grabs the first guy's gun and pointed it away then while holding him and dug his scythe to the other guy's shoulder and let go of the scythe as he falls, then Alex threw the guy he was holding over his shoulder and stomped his face with his inhuman strength.

He picks up his scythe and enters her room to find and dead bodies, one guy with a gun and.... Daphne lying on the floor, bleeding yet alive. He throws his scythe at the guy's head with anger which killed him then rushes to the bleeding bunny.


"Say no more, I'm getting you outta here."

"No Alex, this is as far as I can go...*cough*"

Alex puts pressure on the wound in attempts to stop the bleeding as he tried to get her to relax.

"I...I'm sorry" Daphne breathed out

Alex gave his complete attention to her.

"I sold us out by accident...*cough**cough* I bought this....for you." She struggles to say as she brought out a an item in her hand.

It's a smartphone

"It's got all the music you like, and the games too...*cough* but I failed to notice my buyer put a tracker in it...when I got back here *cough* don't worry, I removed the tracker.

Alex may not be one to show emotions, but he still he felt sadness knowing she couldn't be saved.

"Why?....Why do all this for me?"

Daphne coughs out blood for a moment before with her last being, breathed out her final words.

"I just wanted to see you smile.... Will you...smile for me?"

Alex pauses for a brief moment since he doesn't remember when was the last time he smiled, then finally heeds for dying wish. Alex gave a warm gentle smile filled with serenity.

"...Thank you....my friend..." she said with a satisfied smile of her own until her last breath slips away.

After the bunny drifted to her peaceful sleep, Alex's smile turned back to a sad frown. He closes her eyes then absorbed the wisps coming out of her, taking her soul as his own.

Alex gritted his teeth, picks up his scythe, gripping it, they will pay for this, but for now, he needs to get back with the others.


Sara shoots at the SWAT teams and took cover behind the desk, where Alden who was shot in the leg and Shinonome with a pistol are also hiding. Each of them exchanging shots and still they're overwhelmed.

This has been going on for like 12 minutes and so far they took out six of them. Then a they stopped shooting, followed by sounds of screaming, flesh torn and blood splatters are heard.

Assuming it was safe, they took a peek from the desks and saw Alex standing there with his bloodied scythe, and sliced up bodies around on the floor.

Alex puts away his weapon and helps them up.

"You guys okay?"

"He's shot in the leg but we're fine.... somehow." Shinonome replied as she lifted Alden on her shoulder.

"Where's Daphne?" Sara asked.

A moment of silence took Alex before he looks down sadness and shakes his head.

They knew what this meant and mourned with him until Alden speaks up.

"We can mourn later, we need to get out of here."

"We go through the gym, Akindele has a spare car there." Sara suggested then they all nodded.

The three made their way while Alden hangs on to Shinonome, cutting and shooting down anyone who gets in their way.

Alex runs forward while deflecting the bullets and slashing the gun away then spin down to cut the guy's legs then right hooks the other guy's gun away before ducking, allowing Sara to shoot them.

He opens the doors and the four them runs through the gym to get to the exit, but stops halfway when they suddenly hear a girl's voice.

"Leaving so soon?!!"

This grabbed their attention and turns to the source of the voice. The first thing they see which shocked them was Akindele dead on the floor with a gaping hole on his chest, then a pair of glowing amber eyes in the shadows.

"Especially on our reunion?"

The figure steps out of the shadows, into the light and rage immediately took over Alex as this figure reveals herself.

She wears a red mid-thigh high boots, a dark red short skirt with black shorts underneath and a red gothic belt wrapped in the waist like an X, a black corset with red linings, a red leather bolero jacket that has short sleeves and a black choker. Her left has a black glove that covers the entire arm and a red gauntlet, and she holds a black sheathed katana. Her face is beautiful but resembles Alex a bit, she has pale skin, amber eyes, and her raven-black messy hair tied down in waist-long ponytail by a red ribbon.

There's no doubt about it, this is the Crimson Warrior. Alex seethes in anger and he grips his weapon very hard, the person who betrayed him and his reason of revenge finally presents herself to him.

"RENA!!!" Alex roared

Rena presents a psychotic smirk on her face then breathed out a revelation.
