

Alex Crowe, the boy who lost everything and cursed with the powers of undeath now seeks vengeance, and he has taken it. Will he find the light strong enough to repair his soul? or will he lose himself to the darkness of his hatred. His path will be paved with those who sought to control or remove his existence. With his back against the wall, the fearsome killer must fight with all his strength, skill and power if he is to forge his own fate.

Emo_Crow · Fantasia
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48 Chs

Chapter 11: The Dove and The Crow

(3rd POV)

The sun hits the sky, Alex walks the streets donning under a black cloak, eager to meet up with Lana after she accepted his request. He remembers how it played out last night.



Lana seem a bit surprised when Alex asked him to teach him.

"So...will you?" Alex asked with anticipation.

Lana made a thinking pose while Alex waited for her validation. After a while, she beamed with her hands on her hips.

"Of course."

Alex's expression soften with relief.

"Really? I'm grateful."

"Yep! This is perfect actually, you get to meet with the kids."

"Are you certain that's a good idea?"

"Of course silly! Do you have any idea how many people want to get to know you?"

Alex's face remain blank.

"You're hopeless." Lana sighs then spring up in her spunk nature.

"Alright, come to the orphanage tomorrow at 10. We can start there."

Alex was hesitant at first, but then relents.


"Don't be late, or I won't forgive you."


(Flashback ends)

After remembering our agreement, Alex checked his phone to see it's 9:25am, which he intends to make his way there now. But with some time to spare, he decids to make a stop.

He arrived by the clinic to tell Dr. Blaire the news. He found her standing by the doors, he had to remind himself that she wouldn't like what she would hear.

'Just tell her, and she'll decide what to do. Might as well get this over with.' Alex sighed mentally.

He approached her and she wore a smile.

"Morning Mr. Crowe. I see you're doing well." Blaire greeted.

"Morning to you as well. About Matt, I was too late. He was already lost to the darkness by the time I found him. I'm sorry."

Her expression turned grim, much to Alex expected. But then she became sincere.

"The fault is not yours, I'm sure you did the best you could. I should've kept a close eye on him. My services are still yours, I'll take it from here." She assured sincerely.

"I wish I could've done more. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." Alex offered.

Then Blaire noticed a sudden tone from the young man.

"You seemed different this morning, like a positive different. Has something happened? Maybe it has something to do with Lana Astrea?" She asked inquisitively.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Alex dismisses.

That response caused Blaire to grin and giggled.

"Okay! Since I'll take that as you having plans for today, I'm sure you wouldn't want me to keep you."

Alex nodded and walked away, leaving Blaire who looked at him like an inquisitive ferret.

"So....the resident jewel of the town huh?"


After leaving the errand done with Blaire, Alex had expected some hostility. But he was glad it ended on good terms.

Checking his phone and saw it's 9:45, it's time makes his way to his destination.

No later than 10 mins, he arrived at the doorstep of the orphanage.

He wasn't so great with kids and worried his presence may cause some discomfort to them, but Lana promise that she's going to teach him.

'Here goes nothing.' He thinks to himself and knocks on the door.

Moments later, a woman with brown ponytail with pink flannel shirt and green apron answered the door.

"Hello sir, Are you here to make an adoption?" She greeted.

"No actually, I'm here to see Lana Astrea." He replied.

Then the woman's face glowed up in recognition. "Ah you must be guy she was talking about. She's expecting you. Please come in."

The woman opened the door wider to let him in, which he did so and closed the door. He scanned the hallway which is decorated with a kindergarten drawings, the paintings had a green bush filled with flowers. It feels like a preschool than a haven.

"This way. I'm Edith, the head caretaker of the orphanage. I'm glad you accepted Lady Lana's offer. You should consider yourself lucky, she talked much about you to the children in highest regard and they became quite curious about you."

"I dunno. I might not be good company." Alex spoke.

"Nonsense, you'll do great. Lana will teach you, as will I if you need it."

Edith led him at the fourth door and knocked before opening the door. Greeted us was the woman who seen with Lana last time, Naomi.

"He's here."

Edith left Alex with Naomi, though compared to Edith, she's stern but still kept appearance.

"Hello Mr. Crowe, I never properly introduced myself last time. I am Naomi Fritz, Lana's guardian. If you do anything to harm her or the children, I'll make you pay for it. Are we clear?"

As stern as she was, he could understand her overprotectiveness.

"Crystal." Alex answered.

"Good! She's waiting for you."

Alex stepped inside and scanned the room.

The base of the wall's painting is white, decorated with painting of a garden, flowers, and a tree. Shelves of kindergarten books and toys, as well as kids' drawings hanging on the walls. The flooring is mahogany wood with light green place mats and tables of toddlers height. Plenty of children with all colors and life, to see them play, so full of life. Some of gathered around Lana, who seems to be helping the children building blocks. It was moment later until Lana sets her sight on him.

"Ah! Alex!" She calls out before she excuses her to the kids and approaching him.

"You're here. I'm so glad."

"I did say I'd come." Alex replied.

Lana smiled in response before turning her attention to the kids.

"Alright everyone there's someone I want you to meet. This is Alex Crowe, our dark hunter of the night."

Bedridden with awes, the children gathered around.

"Look at him."

"He looks so cool."

"Why is your skin so white?"

"Will you adopt me?"

Alex's eyes widened as he finds himself overwhelmed. He puts his hand up front and tries to gesture them to calm down. Seeing him overwhelmed, Lana decides to step in.

"Alright calm yourselves, he may look grumpy, but he's a big softie, isn't he?"

Lana looked at Alex and a small smile. He assumes she's expecting an answer so he gave her one while looking away.


Then Edith entered the room not a moment later.

"Good morning kids." She greeted.

"GOOD MORNING MS. EDITH!" All of the children greeted back in unison.

"Alright class, I believe it's for an another activity, you are to make your toys out of recycled materials you've gathered."

"Again, but we wanna know more about Alex Crowe." One of them whined.

"Mr. Crowe will have plenty of time to talk to you after you're done with this activity."

All of the kids gathered their materials and sat to their respective places. As the kids began to work, Lana sat in one of the tables to help the kids while Alex watched closely to know how she does it. But then one child catches his eye in the corner. The girl has red short hair with a butterfly hairpin, fair skin and hazel eyes, she wears a yellow sweater and red shirt underneath and brown skirt. She appears to be sad and he noticed that her materials are lacking.

"You should help her." Lana encouraged.

It seems she noticed him looking at the girl's situation. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"You'll never know unless you try, and besides, I trust you." Lana assures.

Alex nodded before taking a deep breath before heading over to the girl and sat down next to her.

"Hey, not enough materials?"

She looked at him surprised that she approached by him, then shook her head.

"I couldn't get any. When I was with the others, they pick everything and I was left out. I have nothing to make or even know how to make a toy." She responded with a depressed tone.

Alex hovered his two fingers over his chin and thinks. He wanted to find a way to help the girl, and with a little improvise he just might.

"Do you have a name?" He asked her.

"Mari." She answered.

"Alex. Mari, do you mind waiting here for a bit?"


Just like that, Alex left the room and to Lana's notice, wondered where he's going.

Few minutes later, he came back with colored fuzzy wires in his hands and set them on Mari's table.

"Alright Mari, I can see you don't have much time, but if you allow me to help you, we can finish it in no time."

Mari look at him as if she could rely on him or not.

"But why would you help me?" She asked.

Alex took a moment to work his words. Guess deep down, he saw himself within her. Distant and lonely.

"I guess loners stick together." He answered.

Mari took the answer to heart and nodded with a smile.

Then Alex and Mari got to work. Alex pulled out his experience of art from his past life to teach her the ropes. Lana watched him from afar and felt content that he found a kindred soul. Once everyone was finished, every kid presented their crafted toys, and when it was time for Mari to present hers, she presented a humanoid doll made of fuzzy wires and the joints were chained to create functional limbs. The children were amazed and when the girl smiled at Alex, who simply nodded with a small smile.

"Alright class, you all created such impressive toys. And you know what this calls for?...Story time." Lana chimed in.

Then the kids gathered and huddled, ready to lend her their ears.

"She always tells the best stories." Mari whispered to Alex.

He took a seat, intrigued to listen to her as well. She took out a book and Alex recognized it was the book she read last night.

"This story is called "The Dove and The Crow....Once upon a time, there a lone crow sitting by the branch and he looked sad. The people looked at him with hate and attempted to throw rocks at the crow to scare him off..."

"Why did the humans hate the crow?" One kid asked with his hand raised.

"Because crows are seen as bad luck or an omen of death." Lana answered gently before returning to the book.

"...The crow recognize that he cannot be a part of people, he distanced himself away, refuse to stay close with other birds. But a dove came close to the crow. The crow tried shooed it away but the dove did not leave. The crow tried to fly far away from the dove, but followed. No matter how hard the crow tried to avoid the dove, the dove always comes back. So the crow asked, "Why do you not leave me?" And the dove answered, "because you are lonely and in need of a friend." The crow was taken aback from the dove's answer, and so the crow asked once more. "Do you not hate me? I am bad luck to others." And the dove answered back, "I do not hate you. I believe no one should be alone, and you don't have to be. I wanna be you friend." The crow was surprised, hesitant. When the crow said yes, he took the big step to acceptance, then the dove revealed herself a goddess. She wanted to heal the crow's broken heart, and the crow allowed himself to feel the goddess' love, knowing....he is not alone."

Being met with awes and applause, Lana sighed in relief.

"Now what's the lesson of this story?" She asked the children.

One by one, they voice out their answers.

"To always have a friend."

"That you shouldn't hate people for being different."

"To never be alone."

Satisfied with their answers, Lana nodded. "All correct answers, but there's an important lesson you should carry with. Even at your darkest of times, no one is alone."

Alex saw this was more philosophical. That he was depicted as the crow and Lana the dove, he wondered if this was coincidental or intentional.

"Alright kids, it's lunchtime." Edith called out their attention.

"Aww!!! But we still have time Ms. Edith."

"We wanna know about him."

The children pointed at Alex, who didn't know hot to respond.

"I'm sure you have plenty of time after, won't you Mr. Crowe?"

Alex looked at her for a moment, then at Lana, who gave an encouraging smile and gesture. Alex thinks about it for a moment, then eventually relents.

"I...guess I could."

The children cheered at his approval then everyone of them proceeds through the door.

Lana stands there with a beaming expression with one thing in her mind.

'You're gonna have a long day Mr. Crowe, coz you're about to find out how energetic these kids can be.'