
Shadows of the New World

Imagine you're transported to a new world, leaving behind a life filled with loneliness, suffering, and hatred. Sounds incredible, right? That's what happened to me after being an outcast all my life. I died and became like the heroes in novels who go to another world, defeat the Demon King, and win the most beautiful girl in the story. But am I a novel's hero? I don't have cheats or overwhelming talent. Girls don't like me. I'm not the lucky one who becomes strong in two days. I'm just a person who resembles an extra, living an ordinary life. I don't have high ambitions or strive for power. My only goal is to live a better life than my first one. To open a shop, earn money, marry an ordinary girl like me, have children, and end the story. These are just my dreams. *Sigh* Unfortunately, nothing goes as planned. Even though my dreams are simple, reality has shattered them.

DaoistfYq6MI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

the beginning

ما تفعله هنا هو في نفس الوقت أحمق ولا يعرف ماذا يفعل. هل أنت غاضب لأنني وصفتك بالأحمق أو أنك غير مهتم أو أنك تريد ذلك لماذا؟ دعني أسألك لماذا أتيت إلى هنا؟ هل أتيت لترى قصتي؟ حسنًا، قصتي ليست مثل هذا الهراء الذي يمكن أن تمل منه أو تستمتع به، وليست مثل هذا الجمال الذي يمكن أن تستمتع به أو تمل منه إذن.



In a corner of the world, where loneliness envelops me like mist, I found myself. Dreams that were once mere illusions began to take shape as reality. How does one feel when leaving behind a life of shadows, where psychological pain hides behind physical comfort, to venture into a world teeming with vast imagination and fierce battles? A world where challenges lie in wait at every turn, and everything hinges on the roll of fate's dice.

In this world, your talent may be a guiding star illuminating your path or a cloud obscuring the sun. It all depends on luck. Your strong background could be either a support or an illusion, and the assistance that comes your way might be a blessing or a curse—all swinging on the balance of chance.

I won't say everything depends solely on luck, but it certainly plays a significant role.

Damn this life I'm living.

Since my first breath in this world, I lost my mother. My father, who should have been a source of warmth, looks at me with eyes full of hatred. He remarried, as if trying to erase my mother's memory with cruelty. My stepmother, supposed to be a refuge, turned into an executioner who torments me mercilessly. My siblings, who should have been my companions, live in a different world—one filled with gifts, love, and tenderness—while I remain in the corner of oblivion.

At school, where knowledge and learning should prevail, I faced bullying. I was the shield protecting my siblings, yet no one shielded me. Exams came, and I thought success might win their hearts. But it was an illusion. My stepmother saw in me only the shadow of my mother, which she wanted to erase.

"I've seen you studying a lot. Help me with the exam," one of my sisters said with a malicious tone.

"What? But that's cheating!" I protested, knowing her intentions.

"What did you say?" she screamed in my face, and I received blows for refusing to cheat.

When the results came, I scored full marks, while my sisters got lower grades. But my stepmother accused me of cheating, and I was locked in the basement for years. The girl who accused me brought me food and drink—not out of pity, but because she wanted me to do her homework.

After she finished her studies, my life as a servant ended.

Now, I'm on the brink of death, my resentment toward my family and that girl transcending everything. My life has been hell, and now I face its cursed end. I wish I could live another life in a different world, where the protagonist crosses over with immense luck and talent. I wished to be like them, but it's impossible. These are just stories, while I exist in a harsh reality.





I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, ready to depart from this world that had brought me nothing but pain. Life had been a living hell, devoid of pleasure or purpose—just endless suffering. I shut my eyes completely, disconnecting from all sensation.

Moments passed, or perhaps centuries, before I felt a gentle breeze caressing my skin. I wondered in confusion: How was I still alive? Could this be the otherworld the legends spoke of? The weather was perfect—neither hot nor cold, but magically temperate. Slowly, I opened my eyes to explore this new realm.

Before me stretched a scene beyond imagination: towering trees, blossoming flowers adorning every corner, intricate patterns etched into the ground, and a clear sky embracing a bright sun. It felt like a dream, a place that couldn't possibly belong to my old world.

I raised my gaze to find a handsome young man sitting calmly. His beauty rivaled that of legends, leaving me questioning his reality. He sat there, indifferent to my presence, sipping tea with elegance. His celestial blue eyes met mine, and I sensed an enigmatic pressure, as if he measured every cell in my body.

"Are you ———?" I asked, my voice devoid of emotion, as if reading from an endless list.

"Yes," I replied without realizing it, fear silencing any other part of me.

"Good," he said in a dry tone, taking another sip of his tea, as if nothing had happened.

"If you were told you could live another life in a different world, would you agree?" the young man continued, his tone unchanged, as if the question were a routine procedure.

I closed my eyes again, stumbling over my response. "Can... can that really happen?"

"Yes, it can. But I have a caveat," he said coolly, as if discussing a trivial matter.

"What's the caveat?" I asked, trying to conceal my nervousness.

"Why do you want to go to another world?" he asked, disinterested.

Isn't it obvious? My life was a hellish existence hidden in the shadows, as if I were in the depths of hell itself. If I had another life, surely it would be better than this.

"Because... because it seems exciting, like the novels," I answered quickly, my response diverging from my thoughts.

"But do you consider yourself a hero?" the man asked, devoid of curiosity or interest in his voice.

Those words made me pause. Could I risk it? Was the courage I'd shown in facing injustice in my previous life enough to withstand the challenges of a new world?

I'm not a novel protagonist who triumphs over adversity and gets everything handed to them. I might die halfway or at the very beginning.

"The world you might enter is full of difficulties. Only the strong prevail," he added in the same monotonous tone.

Excitement and tension surged within me, yet the man's expression remained unchanged.

"Listen carefully. In life, people are mere secondary characters. Your victory or defeat, none of it is guaranteed. You might gain everything or end up with nothing. You could rise to the top or plummet into the abyss," he said, lifeless.

His words ignited something within me. As I recalled my old life, I thought to myself: "Why not live another life where I might find happiness and possess things I never had before?"

Now, I've made my decision. "I agree to move to another world," I said confidently, and the man showed no reaction, as if he already knew my answer.

"Good," he said, snapping his fingers, and suddenly, darkness swallowed everything.

