
Shadows of Mysteries(Shadow Slave X LOTM)

Gray, an highschool junior reader from the 21st century finds himself transmigrated into the world of Shadow Slave as anomaly in the world. In a universe where even God's are unable to deter fate and corruption. can a young man from a different reality wielding a power not witnessed before survive and save humanity from its closely impending doom or will he also become a victim of the destruction?

Zekenation · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Gray POV

After being brought into the Sleeper Compound, I separated from Sunless as I sensed that he was about to do something stupid, and I didn't want to get involved. My intuition started ringing as I felt a pullingto my attention.

I looked around and saw a blonde girl in a corner alone as others avoided her. I sensed an aura of hopelessness and death coming from her, but I also sensed the strings of fate coming from her. I felt the Fool Uniqueness within me stir a bit before going silent. I made my way to her as I ignored everyone else and sat down by her.

The blonde girl was suddenly surprised by my sudden arrival and seemed confused by my arrival. I felt something look at me, but I ignored it as I saw the girls blue lifeless eyes as I realized she was blind. I look away as I stare out into the crowd, judging them to see who was the strongest of them.

After a few seconds, the girl spoke.

"Um...excuse me," She says in a soft voice .

I look her in her eyes, raising my eyebrow.

"Is something the matter?" I say in a calm voice.

The girl seemed startled by this as she couldn't speak for a few seconds.

'Didn't he understand that she was blind? A useless corpse waiting to die?' She thought as she gathered her words.

"Is there's something you need from me?" She asks, looking down nervously as she fiddles with her bad to distract herself.

'How cute,' I thought as a smile creeped up on my face.

"You seemed kind of lonely, so I came over to see if you wanted company, although another reason is to avoid the other foolish sleepers." I say.

She tilted her head in confusion of my honest answer but pushed forward with her questions regardless.

"Don't you find me revolting to sit next to?" She says, depreciating herself.

I was a bit taken back of her reposnse, but I soon answered.

"No, you're one of the most pleasant people in this room, to be honest." I say honestly.

Her expression falter.

"But, I'm blind."

I shrugged.


She pursued her lips.

"I'm practically a walking corpse."

I felt my face stretched as a wide smile formed on my face. A cold and terrifying force surged up from within my body as I felt my humanity slip away for a brief moment. I looked into the group of sleepers as my spirit vision activated, and I can see the strings of fate surrounded by a dark aura of death.

When I was experimenting on my powers, I got more information. For unknown reasons, I can divine that fates of others to a certain extent. Although I didn't get much information, it seems that my powers aren't part of this universe, but it's slowly adapting to this world. Meaning that my abilities will not only become stronger over time but will have changes. That's how I knew that more than half of them were going to die.

"Well, you see, in my eyes, almost everyone here is in the same position as you." I say as the smile on my face drops as I look to the girl. My green eyes now show a small black vortex of madness hidden within the pupils.

"The only difference is that you know that

weak, they don't."


After that day, a few days passed, and I made my schedule. I would have 3 hours of training learning how to fight, 2 hours training my powers, and making paper figurines.

Then, I would spend the rest of my time learning under teacher Julius on how to survive in the wild, along with learning how to read and decipher some of the runes.

During lunch, I would sit down with Sunny and Cassia. Mainly, I listened to Cassia as we became fast friends. It seems that I was able to relieve some of her built-up stress as I slowly was reawakening her will to survive.

Sunny, while being reclusive, was a bit unique as I noticed that his shadow was sentient as I saw it moving on multiple occasions.

'So his aspect might be a utility type. It might make a good scout. Hopefully, if we are in the same area, we can team up.'

I've also discovered that Cassia was an Oracle, which explained why the Fool Uniqueness stirred within me.

During my personal training time, I would watch videos of people using all sorts of weapons. Using my clown abilities, I was able to mimic their movements and combine them.

Through trial and error, I was able to take I those styles and make them my own. While it's still needs work.

While I was returning my weapon, I noticed stares of girls looking at me with eyes of lust  and awe in them. I wasn't wearing a shirt, which showed off my body. I can be considered eye candy by everyone as it seemed I was the best-looking guy here.

Some of the guys looked at me with complex  emotions, both positive and negative. This has been going g on since the rankings as I was placed 2nd since I had a True Name, and I placed a pompous legacy named Castor after nearly crippling the guy after a sparing.

I gained a few enemies, but I was able to record my first ability. It's a fair trade, it seems.

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