
Shadows of Garland and Ede: The Darkwoods Saga

In the enigmatic world of Garland, where magic is a long-forgotten legend and perilous lands abound, an unusual twist of fate beckons an unexpected hero. Meet Alex, an 18-year-old who never quite fit the mold. Reincarnated into Garland after an untimely collision with the infamous "truck-kun," he yearned for a life filled with adventure, magic, and the promise of becoming a main character in this mystical realm. But much to his dismay, Garland is devoid of the enchantments he craved. Or so he thinks

northernlight · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Darkwoods

Amidst the shroud of darkness, a realm that only mortals would truly fear, the moon's pale light waged a feeble battle against the oppressive canopy of the ominous forest. Its efforts cast eerie, twisted shadows that danced with sinister intent, creating a macabre ballet of darkness and light.

In this abyss of the unknown, whispers told of demons and monsters lurking, their malevolent presence a tangible dread that clung to the very air. It was a place where even the bravest souls hesitated to tread.

At the entrance to this eerie expanse, a broken sign stood as a harbinger of doom. Its decrepit form declared a chilling message in stark, eerie letters: "Welcome to the horror forest of hell, welcome to the Darkwoods."

At the eerie threshold of the sinister forest, young Alex stood with a zealous smile that had taken on a slightly wild edge. At the age of eighteen, he was a striking figure. Standing at a tall 1.86 meters, he possessed the physical attributes that would normally render a young man quite appealing. His emerald green eyes glistened with an almost hypnotic allure, and his deep black hair cascaded with a kind of dark elegance that would have turned heads under different circumstances. But on this night, framed by the ominous surroundings, he seemed more like a deranged psychopath than a handsome youth. The unsettling glint in his eyes and the twisted curve of his lips hinted at the madness that simmered within him. The darkness of Gartrand had left its indelible mark on his once-promising visage, turning it into something altogether more sinister.

"Finally, I stand at the entrance of the Darkwoods," Alex exclaimed with a maniacal laugh. "They say deep within this forest lie the secrets to immortality and great power—things that all desire, including me."

Eighteen years ago, Alex's journey in the world of Gartrand had begun with an encounter that was nothing short of bizarre. A chance collision with the infamous "truck-kun" resulted in his reincarnation into this perplexing realm. His early days were marked by a fervent curiosity about his new environment. He had entertained dreams of a heroic destiny, imagining himself as the main character of this world. He had hoped for magical abilities, perhaps a system that would grant him godlike powers. But the stark reality of Gartrand left him disillusioned.

In the past 18 years, the world of Gartrand had proven itself devoid of magical wonders, cultivation, or any semblance of a convenient system. The vibrant tales of power, adventure, and enchantment he had devoured in his previous life remained frustratingly out of reach. Alex's journey had been devoid of the protagonist's vigor he had yearned for.

At the age of sixteen, Alex was thrust into the harsh, unforgiving reality of Gartrand. His parents had banished him from their home, forcing him to confront the challenges of life on his own. The world was grim and distinctly less comfortable than the Earth he had known. Basic amenities like showers and advanced technology were scarce. Transportation resembled something out of the Middle Ages, and peril lurked around every corner, with bandits and criminals running rampant.

Garland was a place where appearing remotely affluent could spell certain doom. Survival in this hostile world was no simple task, and it weighed heavily on Alex's sanity.

In a world that seemed to have forgotten the concept of comfort, Alex knew he had to find a way to gain an edge. The allure of gaining the energy of the main character fueled his determination. He yearned to stumble upon the elusive system or magic that would set him apart, even if it meant venturing into the treacherous wilderness.

Two years of travel had brought him little, except for the realization that this world was vast and unyielding. Alex had only recently heard whispers of magic, demons, and the supernatural, tantalizing glimpses into the fantastical that seemed to have eluded him until now.

It was approximately two weeks prior, in a dimly lit tavern, that Alex first encountered stories of the Darkwoods. The forest was infamous, its reputation rife with tales of ominous malevolence. Many had entered its depths, never to return, lending credence to the notion that the Darkwoods were a gateway to doom.

The allure lay in an age-old legend, a whispered tale of the forest's mysterious past. It spoke of a tree of life, an entity of unparalleled benevolence that had once graced the heart of the Darkwoods. This sacred tree was said to have given life to myriad magical creatures and blessed the forest's denizens with near immortality. The humans who received the tree's blessing were rumored to attain immortality as well.

However, the narrative took a darker turn, tainted by the arrival of an evil dragon that coveted the tree's purported powers. A cataclysmic battle ensued, leaving the dragon and the ancient tree lifeless. In their wake, a potent death aura suffused the forest, reshaping its once idyllic visage into the sinister realm known today.

The legend whispered of the dragon's and tree's enduring presence within the forest. According to the tale, their lifeless forms rested somewhere in its depths, and a mystical pool of lifewater remained, rumored to bestow immortality to those who found it.

As Alex absorbed these tales of mythical creatures and immortality, excitement surged through his veins. In a heartbeat, he stood from his seat in the dim tavern, emboldened by the legends. With an unshakable resolve, he decided to explore the enigmatic forest, standing now at the very threshold of the Darkwoods.

His eyes gleamed with anticipation and madness as he peered into the foreboding abyss, his longing for immortality and a chance to lay eyes on the remnants of the great magical creatures burning with intensity. Alex, however, couldn't shake the peculiar nature of the broken sign.

He approached the sign once more, its message, "Welcome to the horror forest of hell, welcome to the Darkwoods," taunting him with an eerie promise. But as his eyes fixated on the letters, they blurred and twisted, as if reshaping themselves. In a disorienting moment, the words transformed into something entirely different, now reading, "We welcome you to Darkwood Academy."

The sudden change sent a searing pain through Alex's head. Shadows began to creep outward from the forest, swirling and encircling him. Darkness enveloped him entirely, dizziness and a profound sense of motion sickness overtaking him. The world spun, and with a sense of impending doom, Alex fainted.