
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Matter of factly.

"Miss?" he sweetly yet worriedly asked again.

I noticed he held one of the pool sticks in his hand, yet there was no one else in the room.

"You play alone?" I questioned perplexed.

He seemed a bit taken aback by my response, yet he recollected himself to a smile, I'm glad you're okay. Can you walk properly?"

"I'll learn if I can't," I assured him as I steadied myself and took a step away, yet I felt hell yank my right foot down.

"Maybe you should sit."

"Uh, no it's fine. My brother must be waiting for me outside, besides my mom did tell me to be wary of strangers." I smiled sweetly recollecting that most beautiful men play the dirtiest games.

"Oh, I understand." He said almost hurt. For some reason, my heart couldn't leave like this. There was something about him, so genuinely sincere that I couldn't just walk away from it. I wanted to ask him why he was alone in this room or why was there a tremble in his voice when I was about to leave. In that instance, thought to myself, why not ask him? Life was too short to walk away with questions


"Why are you here?"


*Why are you here? Why are you here alone?" I asked again.

There was a sort of comfort in his eyes. "If one aims to be wary of strangers, then perhaps one finds comfort in his presence."

I smiled at his response, "Yet my presence doesn't bother you?"

"Even if it did miss, I'd rather be kind and respect you and your wishes. You are a lady after all."

I blinked at that a few times. "You're not real."


"There is no way I can buy that bullshit. Respect a lady. Be kind to a lady." I scoffed and walked around the room, ignoring my aching ankle, "Bruh, the place I just got out from those words don't even exist in their heads."

"I'm very sorry to hear that. If you'd like help, my friends and I could assist you. I assure you, you won't have to step foot in such a place again,"

His gesture seemed genuine- like he cared. Did he? He oddly made me feel safe.

"It isn't that easy." I sighed to myself.

Within that moment there was a knock on the door, and a man dressed in security attire asked permission to interrupt, "Mr. Harrison," he began as he addressed the man with me, "Mr. Evans and Mr. Perez asked to meet with you."

I had expected him to excuse himself but he just nodded, "Please tell them I'm with a friend, I'll be there shortly."

With that., the man dressed in black left.

"You didn't have to stay," I said feeling a bit uneasy at his gesture.

"No, you said that it isn't easy for you to go back. Please allow me to help you if you are in danger."

I hadn't expected you to hear what I said." I honestly replied.

"I'm a good listener believe it or not." He said with a soft awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I appreciate it but-"

"At least get the police involved if it is serious." He interrupted.

"Why do you care?" I frowned, "You barely know me."

"Because my conscience doesn't allow me to walk away from someone who could get hurt.'"

There was this agony about the way he said that. I almost felt his honesty seeping out of his soul.

"What if the police can't help me?" I answered softly. Saying that brought this frown upon his face which was now plagued with concern.

"Then you came to the right place." Within that moment he looked at me with his newfound confused expression, "Wait," he frowned as he took a step back to look at me again, "Becky?"

Did he just say my name?

I stared at the man in front of me knowing to myself that I am pretty damn sure if I'd seen his pretty face before I sure as hell would remember it.

"I'm sorry," he began, "I didn't mean to startle you like that, my friends had informed me of a girl with a similar situation. I just thought that-"

"Yes," I answered, I'm Becky. I didn't know who to expect."

"My name is Finneas Harrison, but please, call me Finny." He smiled, extending his hand towards me.

"So it's you James had called?" I returned his handshake politely.

"Oh." He gave a short shy laugh, "Not me, but I am aware of the situation."

The sound of a man coughing at the door brought us to his attention. Moe stood there calmly wearing a weary look on his face, "My sister always likes to lurk in places she shouldn't be. Did you pee yet?" he asked me, with no shame whatsoever.

"I don't recall Miss Grey coming here with her brother," Finny interjected almost protectively.

"Best not get into the family business, pretty boy," Moe responded as he came up to me, taking my hand.

Before things got any further, I spoke up, "Moe is with me, James had to return."

"I know Moville, Miss Donovan." Finny stated calmly yet stared daggered at Moe, "Although, I had no idea James kept such company."

Moe snickered mockingly, "Oh we go way back, puppy boy."

"Excuse me?"

"Enough." I warned between them, "Conduct yourselves, I'm not here to argue nor be in the middle of a ridiculous one."

Finny looked at me almost regretful, "My apologies Becky, please you both make yourselves comfortable. I'll meet with you both shortly."

Turning to Moe, I gave a very disapproving look, "Was that necessary? Puppy boy?"

"Oh admit it, he's an adorable man." Moe laughed. As much as I wanted to disagree, he was right. Finny was.

"Anyway," I forced myself to change the topic, "What are we supposed to do now?"

"Well, he did say to make ourselves comfortable, baby sister," Moe responded matter-of-factly.

"I meant, how long are we supposed to wait? Who was the person James called? And how did Finny know you?"

"All these questions tell me you're not very comfortable."

"Moe, this isn't a vacation we're on. And I'm not your sister:"

"Thank God," he sighed, "You're annoying AF."

"Did you just say 'AF'?" I laughed.

"Relax, Piranha. These guys are serious about their business. I should know because I had an encounter with them."

"Encounter?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Unfortunate encounter," he rolled his eyes, "I don't know why you like to be so negative."

"L.O.L," I said dryly as we walked out of the room, "You sound like my ex."

"I have to pee out your nonsense." Moe breathed as he walked towards the washroom.

That man was just insane, I thought to myself as I sat at the bar around while drinking a mocktail.

I hadn't realized how exhausted I had been. So much had happened and all I wanted right now was to dive into my lovable bed, not at my apartment but back home. I can't even remember the last time I'd been to my room. I honestly forgot how it even looked. For some odd reason, I felt like I was being watched. Perhaps I was too paranoid. Then again, anything was possible in a time like this.