
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Encounters and bullets.


The person who walked past the exit of the hall had looked a lot like my brother. Standing to my feet, I panicked. Sinister was nowhere to be seen at the moment and my brother was in the building! I saw him after so many years! No, I wasn't loosing him. Not again. Rushing out the room, I entered an empty hallway and ran searching for him. It couldn't be my imagination. I knew he was here! I turned another corner where i suddenly saw him in a closing elevator pointing up to another man.

"Daniel!" I yelled but it was too late as the elevator shut.

No. No- no- no- no!

My heart was becoming so tight I thought I would actually drop dead right now. Rushing tii ok the staircase, I rushed up as fast as I could but again it was too late when I arrived as I saw the aged man in the elevator with him just step out. I steadied my breaths, noted another elevator at the side, quickly went inside and pushed the button. Thank God as there was only one more floor up or else I wouldn't even find Daniel.

The elevator stopped and opened only for me to see the back of my brother giving another man an envelope from afar. Walking out, I stopped nearly tripping only to discover that my dress had been stuck between the doors of the elevator. I tried to open it but it wasn't responding.

"D-Daniel!" I called out but he couldn't hear me through the glass walls that separated the parts of the hotel which he was on that was under construction. Just like that, he began walking away.


Grabbing the end of my dress, I pulled it vigorously, ripping it and tumbled to the ground. I staggered out the room but he was gone. And so was the other man who was there. I couldn't walk anymore. My feet were killing me. I couldn't even breathe as I felt like I lost my breath. Holding myself up on the wall, I tried to calm myself when suddenly I felt a hand snake around my neck.

Panic shot through me as I faced a middle aged man with a rough bruised face and another one who stood by the side.

"My my, what a lovely thing." The man who held me chuckled and spoke with a thick accent.

What struck me was that it wasn't Russian. It was... Italian?

"Stop it! Let go of me!" I tried fighting my way out of his hold.

"And you're all alone. What a pity." He grinned as he suddenly ripped the shoulder of my dress off.

Where was my karate lessons when I needed them?

"Daniel!" I cried in hopes that my brother might still be close.

No one.

The man laughed as he choked me pinning me to the wall and grazing his hand underneath my dress.

"Please don't." I begged as I felt him tugging at the fabric.

"Hmmm Vrado, didn't she arrive here with Salvatore?" He asked the man at his side.

Vrado..? I must have heard that name somewhere…

" I believe she did." The man replied.

"Good, then I'll make sure she gets the message to him good." He laughed.

"Or," a velvet voice spoke up, "You could give it to me yourself."

Sinister stood with his clenched jawline and his knuckles burning around the hold of a gun which was aimed towards them.

"No need to get a lady involved in this sort of matter. Let's settle this like men." He iced.

In this exact moment, Vrado ran up to him but only made it two feet until he was effortlessly shot in the head. My eyes widened at the blood that gushed out of the man on the ground.

"Now if you would kindly get your hands off my lady." Sinister said with bloodshot eyes.

"And what a precious thing she is." The man spoke as he dug his finger into my skin causing me to shriek at the sudden pain.

"Now this is getting ridiculous. What do you want with her? To knock her up? In front of me? Wouldn't that be stupid?" Sinister arched an eyebrow.

"You son of a -" The man pulled away and lunged at Sinister who then knocked him in the face and shot him in the chest.

He staggered and held unto me , pushing me to the ground. I could his hood soaking through my dress and I tried pushing him off but he was too heavy. Sinister abruptly pulled the man away and pushed me gently sitting up against the wall. There was so much blood on me on my dress and my arm and even splattered on my face. I tried rubbing it off but only made things worse. Words weren't able to come out anymore , only inaudible sobs mixed with uneven breaths. I want crying, I felt more petrified at what has happened. How that man tried to… I could y even think about it again. I was shaking.

"Becky relax- try to breath." Sinister stated holding my fingers tightly in his.

"Sin-sinister he.. he…"

"He can't hurt you ."

He stood up and gently pulled me up with him.


"It's alright." He hushed me as I buried my face into his expensive suit and he wrapped an arm around me, " It's okay, you are alright now."

I couldn't stop shaking….

"Becky you need to calm the fuck down right now!"

I pulled away to feel my eyes dampening.

"No- no. Listen baby, I'm sorry." He stated cupping my face and pushing the damp hair around my ears, "You need to get cleaned up."

My feet still ached from all the running, "I- I can't."

Taking a deep frustrated voice, he suddenly scooped me into his arms, " Let's hope no media sees up Angel." He gave a soft smile and walked towards the elevator. I hadn't realized but I got his clothes bloody as well.

The elevator opened to a floor in which he entered. Walking up to a certain door, he knocked impatiently. Nadia, not too long opened looking at us quite bored.

"What the hell happened?"

"We need new clothes." He stated as he entered and placed me on the leathered sofa.

Sinister paced and ran his hands through his long black hair as Nadia awaited and answer.

"Gianmarco Vincelli." Sinister scowled.


"We had an encounter with his men."

"Oh my fuck!" She cursed.

"Get some clothes for us Nad, I can't go out like this."

"Fuck!" Was all she said and left the room, leaving us behind.

Sinister looked at me, almost in a studying manner. I didn't understand what was going through his mind right now. Scooping to my level, he took the washcloth from the table and gently wiped my face.

"You can't do anything, can you?" He sighed.

" well, that's what I have you for." I smiled weakly, " Uhm… You missed a spot."

"Get rid of that dress and take a shower. Nadia will be here soon. And hurry up, I need to do the same after."

"You need to get rid of your dress too?" I giggled.