
Shadowed Destiny

Enjoy the Legendary journey of our mc

treecko_treeky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Ageless Wisdom

  The grand capital's square was abuzz with murmurs and whispers following Raiju's impressive victory over Dominique's summoned panther. The citizens watched in awe, and The Justified were left in stunned silence by Raiju's unrivaled abilities. Axel couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. "It's not possible for a human to be so strong," he mumbled under his breath. Raiju's power had shattered his understanding of the supernatural world. Just then, Dyno, the Last Immortal, stepped forward. His appearance was that of a man in his prime, but there was an ageless wisdom in his eyes that hinted at a much longer existence. With a knowing smile, he addressed Raiju. "You are strong for a kid," Dyno remarked, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. Axel's gaze shifted from Raiju to Dyno, intrigued by the exchange. It was then that the Last Immortal's features began to change. His skin grew paler, and his eyes took on a crimson hue. His canines elongated into sharp fangs, and his appearance transformed before their eyes. Before The Justified stood a vampire—a creature of the night. Dyno's transformation was both awe-inspiring and unsettling, a testament to the enigmatic abilities of The Justified. As Axel watched in astonishment, Dyno, now a vampire, extended a hand toward Raiju. "Welcome to our eclectic family," he said with a grin, revealing his pointed fangs. "We are a diverse group, each with our own unique gifts and secrets. But together, we are The Justified, and we stand united against the darkness." Raiju, ever the adaptable newcomer, offered a confident nod in return. The trials and revelations of the day had forged a bond among The Justified that transcended age, species, and expectations. As they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, Axel couldn't help but wonder what other hidden talents and secrets his newfound allies might possess. The world was a vast and mysterious place, and The Justified were its enigmatic protectors.