
Shadow Venerable In Fairy Tail

"You shouldn't have bothered our Peerless Crimson Cult." Those were the words of the creature who had killed his parents in front of his eyes. This unfortunate event marked the start of his perilous journey into becoming strong enough to complete his objective. No matter how powerful it was, Ivis vowed to avenge his parents. —————— I do not own Fairy Tail or any of the related characters. The Fairy Tail series is created by Hiro Mashima and owned by FUNimation Entertainment and KODANSHA LTD. This story is a work of fanfiction and is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit from this story. The cover is not mine. PS: I am too lazy to write the synopsis. The update stability is going to be trash tier cause I only write when I feel like it.

RecklessSabreOne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Lexoch Am

"Oh..." Just like Ivis had expected, the boy had the same shocked reaction as others. However, something was missing as there was no trace of fear anywhere on his face.

"So beautiful... Your scarlet eyes remind me of someone I knew in the past. Unfortunately, we've been separated when we were young a few years earlier. I wonder where she is now... Anyway, my name is Lexoch Am. Nice to meet you!"

These words were like a bomb that exploded in his mind. Did he hear it right? A stranger was complimenting his eyes that were supposed to be scary. They were the reason people distanced themselves from him and now someone just said they were beautiful?

"My name is Ivis Crowny. Nice to meet you too..." he said, staring at the bread as a predator would to its prey.


"You must be starving," the older boy chuckled. "Here take it."

When Ivis first bit it, he nearly thought his teeth would break so much the bread was rock-hard. But a hungry man will never back down from foods.

Afterwards, Lexoch carried him on his back to the village. After all, it was better than laying alone on the sand like a corpse.

However, Ivis will soon regret his decision as due to malnutrition, the boy was quite weak physically. He feared that Lexoch would collapse anytime soon seeing how much he was trembling with someone on his back. Crashing into the ground once is already enough.

"You don't need to go through so much trouble for a stranger."

"Is that a valid reason not to help someone in need? Besides, how am I supposed to leave someone who's barely able to move alone here?" Lexoch glanced at the katana on Ivis' hip, "I might not be a powerful fighter like yourself but don't underestimate me."

After this, Ivis didn't say anything and just kept silent. The real reason why he wanted Lexoch to drop him on the ground was that he felt uncomfortable letting someone else take care of him and not having control over the situation.

While enduring the pain, Lexoch kept having his memories flashing through his mind. The look of Ivis' eyes was exactly like his a few years before. Those belonged to people who had suffered so much in the past that they hide their emotions from the outside world and pain.

Seeing his past self, Lexoch couldn't help but share his food with that lonely stranger who looked exhausted even though he hasn't eaten anything for two whole days.

Although Rosy was a small village, the sounds of merchants trading with each other filled the atmosphere. People were so busy with their own business that they paid no attention to the usual orphelin children walking in the road.

Not noticing that Ivis had fallen asleep, Lexoch continued walking to the outer edge of the village as he had built a small hut there.


Suddenly, Ivis found himself floating in the air with a pair of black wings on his back, gaping down on the world where a massive war had taken place. Everything including buildings, living beings and landscapes was annihilated.

At that moment, Ivis felt like he was invincible as an immeasurable amount of power was running through his entire being. However, there was an overwhelming amount of sadness and a void in his heart, similar to when he watched his parents dying in front of his eyes.

Seeing that everything was destroyed because of him, Ivis broke down in tears. The sound of a man sobbing in the sky was the only thing that could be heard.

Far in the horizon, an army of dragons flying in the sky could be seen. But in a matter of seconds, they were already in front of him.

"Ivis Crowny, the Deathbringer, you have forced the Gods to send the Ancient Dragons army to intervene in the mortal world. You are arrested for your world crimes and for being responsible for 90% of the universe's destruction."


Understanding that Ivis was having a breakdown, Lexoch comforted him like a big brother. "Everything is alright. I am here with you."

It took Ivis a few minutes to calm down. His parents' death and the image of the world's destruction kept mulling over in his mind. Despite knowing Lexoch for less than a day, he opened himself with another person for the first time.

"I am so sorry for what happened to your parents. You have been through a lot," he said.

Next, Lexoch also proceeded to share his story. "I once lived in Rosemary. Back then, I still had my parents so I enjoyed my life as a happy child who was ignorant of how much we, humans, can be cruel. I had made many friends there.

"However, one day, a group of evil mages came to murder every adults in the village and kidnap children.

"Fortunately, I was lucky enough to not get caught and ran far away from the village. Since then, I have no news about my friends."

'So he too has lost everything including a place to call home...'

"Do you want to come along with me to Magnolia and join Fairy Tail? You don't have to worry about magic. I can teach it to you," Ivis said, offering his hands.

His past self would have never said these words but now, maybe he could give others a chance rather than seeing everyone as an ennemy.

"I told you to not underestimate me, didn't I? There's no need to teach me. I already know how to use it, " Lexoch smiled and shook hands with him.