
Working Dead

'So tired…'

Rain was sprawled on her threadbare sleeping bag, staring at the slanted roof of her modest tent. Outside, the noises of the construction camp were churning like a sea, just as loud as they had been throughout the day despite the late hour. 

Out here, the work did not stop when the darkness fell. 

For a very particular reason.

Rain had finished her long shift as a laborer, so her muscles were sore. Later, she crawled into her tent ready to pass out from fatigue, but instead of resting, she spent several hours arduously circulating her essence in an attempt to form a soul core. That was something she did every night, and although there were no signs of Awakening yet, the number of tiny grains she had created was growing steadily. 

Rain had only stopped after becoming completely exhausted. 

And now, she couldn't fall asleep because of the noise outside. 

'Ah, damnation… I really need to get out of this place…'