
To Kill a Dragon

Kai remained silent for a while, and then let out a heavy sigh. He looked away, picked up his charred wooden mask and stared at it for a few moments, then finally spoke:

"I was sent into the body of a centurion of the Sun Legion, the army of the Ivory City. The city… you must have seen it when we entered the Nightmare, rising from the ashes as the time flowed in reverse. It is a wondrous place… beautiful, peaceful, and full of life, with people who are warm, kind, and care deeply for their neighbors. Dozens of flourishing islands, all connected into a single whole by the aerial bridges and arching aqueducts built of white stone…"

The young man paused, grimaced, and took a sip of honey tea to smooth his aching vocal cords. Then, he glanced at the mask again, lingered for a moment, and continued: