
The Fall of Falcon Scott (45)

His Shadow was a Transcendent now.

Sunny found it hard to believe, even though he had been the one who made her Transcendence possible. It was just that Saints held a special place in human culture — they were the epitome of vast and unobtainable power. They were more demigods than people… enigmatic and awe-inspiring, so distant as to almost be ineffable.

He was now a Master himself, and on top of that, one of the strongest there was. But even still, a huge gap separated Sunny from someone like Sky Tide or Bloodwave, which he did not dare test.

To think that a similar existence now served him… it was hard to comprehend. Saint's Transcendence, without a doubt, marked a new chapter in Sunny's rise to power.

Of course, it was unclear where the onyx knight was truly equal to the mighty Saints of the human race.