
Tacit Understanding

Sunny stared at Nephis with a complicated expression. After a while, he asked:

"Why did you entrust me with something so precious?"

She glanced at him, lingered for a few moments, then shrugged.

"We had a deal, remember? My knowledge in exchange for your share of the spoils we earn."

There had indeed existed such a deal. However, he had not exactly acted in good faith when proposing it. After all, he had no use for those spoils, in the first place.

Sunny scowled. If Changing Star had really revealed a family secret to him because of a lie, she had a valid reason to be resentful of him.

Just like he was of her.

With a dark smile, he looked away and said:

"You must have realized by now that I have cheated you in that deal."

Nephis turned to him and said, her voice calm and even:

"You mean the fact that you don't need to absorb soul shards to grow stronger?"

Sunny froze for a moment, then gave her a nod.

"You don't seem very surprised."