

Sunny stared at the distant haze for a few moments, then glanced at Kim, who was busy with repairs. The [Evil Eye] Memory he had given her was supposed to make one capable of seeing things at a greater distance… however, there was an easier way.

He called out to Sergeant Gere, who happened to be hurrying past at that exact moment.

"Hey, Sergeant."

The man stopped and looked at the Captain… who was standing on top of the terrifying monster the Irregulars had recently received from the Nightmare Spell, for some reason. Already accustomed to their leader's eccentric behavior, the soldier did not even bother to try and guess the reason.

"Yes, Captain?"

Sunny lingered for a moment.

"Do you have… what are they called… binoculars?"

Gere nodded.

"Of course, sir. We have several pairs, one per vehicle. Standard military issue."

Sunny gave him a tense look, then said quietly:

"Go bring me the best ones."