
Smooth Ride

Eventually, Sunny reached the far side of the island. Diving out of the shadows, he staggered a little and sighed. 

His reserves of essence were mostly empty. Luckily, the speed with which he was losing essence was not that great, by now… which meant that many of the risen corpses had already been destroyed by the prisoners of Aletheia's Island. 

His journey across the misty forest had been much more swift and uneventful than it would have been otherwise, though, so it was well worth it. Come dusk, his essence would be replenished… 

That said, he was going to have to be very careful after reaching the blood lake. 

Sunny shook his head and headed forward, with Nightmare following him in the shadows. His steps were fast and silent. He crested a tall hill and jumped over a rock outcropping, then raised a hand without ever slowing down.