
Rude Awakening

With Nightmare guarding Sunny's dreams, his sleep was deep and peaceful.

…His awakening, however, was not. 

'Wh… what?!'

Sunny woke from feeling the world tilt, and then quake with a violent shudder. He was thrown sideways and collided with the slope of the fissure, feeling the sharp rocks cutting into his skin. Groggy and disoriented, he tried to stand up, but got tangled in the sleeping bag instead. 

'Damn it!'

The sleeping bag disintegrated as he tore through it, already summoning the Sin of Solace and the Moonlight Shard. 

The world lurched once again, and the deafening roar of water reached his ear. 

'What is going on?'

Assessing his surroundings through shadow sense, Sunny did not notice immediate danger. He did, however, notice Nephis — she had climbed out of the fissure and was now standing on its edge, her white tunic and silver hair fluttering in the wind.