
Precious Moments

Cassie was waiting for him near the same toppled tower as the last time. She was just as ethereally beautiful as the last time, too, bathed in moonlight and standing on the edge of tranquil water.

However, the atmosphere of their meeting was different today. 

It was more… familiar, somehow. Perhaps even friendly. 

When Sunny emerged from the lake, Cassie smiled faintly. 


He brushed his wet hair back and smiled, as well. 

"Lady Cassia."

She shook her head lightly.

"It feels unfair that you are still maintaining decorum after insisting that I should be more informal. Call me Cassie, please."

He hesitated for a few moments, then nodded. 

"Alright, Cassie. Shall we go? I am hoping to explore as much of the mirror labyrinth as possible tonight."

She nodded and offered him her small hand.