
Perfect Vessel

'Well… that's just damn great!'

The corner of Sunny's mouth twitched. The worst part was that he couldn't even disagree with Pierce's reasoning… because his own conclusion was more or less the same.

Of course, Mordret was perfectly capable of making one of the Lost his vessel in hopes of traveling to the Sanctuary — or a more remote human Citadel, if need be — and stealing another body there. But why would he settle for a vastly inferior option when a perfect candidate was right there, his for the taking?

Maybe that was the reason why he had not tried to seek out Sunny in the previous weeks. Mordret might have wanted to leave him for last.

…Thanks to Cassie, Sunny had a general idea about the Aspects of both Welthe and Pierce. The fearsome Master seemed to possess powers that made him highly resistant, if not outright immune, to various forms of attacks, while his more friendly counterpart specialized in enhancing her combat prowess and debilitating the enemy.