
Peace Offering

Sunny was too shaken by what had just happened to do anything else today. So, he just went down to the basement, entered the Dream Realm, and remained in his small room in the Sanctuary instead of going out to fight Nightmare Creatures.

There, he just slept peacefully for the entire night.

This was a very strange way to act for Sunny, but many Awakened did just that every day. Unless their Citadel was under attack — which happened frequently in most parts of the Dream Realm — or they were assigned a certain duty, people just remained in their quarters, slept, and returned to the real world without throwing themselves into any kind of danger.

Others performed various tasks to earn a livelihood in the Citadel, all the while staying safe behind its walls. Few frequently ventured outside and challenged the wilderness of the Dream Realm.

And who could blame them?