
One of Those Situations

Sunny had recognized the voice. There was no doubt that the person screaming in pain in the depths of the forest was Jet… she was so close!

And in danger. 

He hesitated for a moment. 

'Bad, bad…'

His intuition was telling him that something absolutely deadly waited for him in the mist. Blindly rushing forward could very well invite disaster. And more than that, the scream itself was suspicious… 

Was Soul Reaper Jet someone to scream from pain? No, she wasn't. Sunny had seen her maintain composure while impaled on a jagged piece of alloy. Someone… something could have been mimicking her voice to lure them into a trap. 

He had met creatures that lived in the mist and mimicked human voices before, after all. The memory alone was enough to make him shudder. 

And yet…