
On the Other Side

"I think we are all going to die. What do you think, Rani?"

Ray's voice was tinged with melancholy, but Rain had learned to ignore his complaints in the last few weeks. Sitting on the ground — well, on what served as ground in this godforsaken place — and leaning her back against a wagon's wheel, she gave him a relaxed shrug. 

The young man stared at her with indignation. After a while, he sighed.

"Have enough decency to look concerned, at least…"

They were currently in the middle of the army camp, resting after a long and arduous march. It was hard to tell what time of day it was, since there were no nights in Godgrave. A veil of clouds obscured the sky, shining with diffused radiance. 

It would have been quite pretty if it was not so terrifying.