

Instantly, all three of them — Sunny, Jet, and Seishan — were on guard. Jet readied her glaive, while Sunny gripped the hilt of the Sin of Solace tighter. Seishan, meanwhile, lowered her hands slightly, as if preparing to defend herself with bare fists. 

The cursed sword whispered into Sunny's ear:

"Use them as a shield… take a step back, and let whatever comes feast on their flesh first…"

Sunny struggled to ignore it.

Before, he had not dared to send his shadows outside to keep an eye on the desert — with how dreadful the creatures populating it at night were, many of them were bound to possess means of destroying intangible things. Sunny did not want to risk one of his shadows being obliterated. 

But now, he regretted that decision. 

As his expression hardened, streams of sand fell from above, and then, someone jumped softly on the stone plates of the chamber's floor. 

Sunny felt immense relief. It was a human…