

Sunny was really beyond himself. A good armor was exactly what he needed… and what could be better than a Transcendent one? Most of the enemies he fought would not even be able to scratch it, let alone pierce it!

His smile turned a little bitter when he remembered receiving the Puppeteer's Shroud and imagining how he would be nearly invincible to all the dormant creatures trying to attack him come winter solstice.

Who knew that he would end up in a place where there was not even a single dormant bastard around? Not counting Sunny himself and all the other misfortunate Sleepers on the Forgotten Shore, of course.

Still, he would have died a hundred times if it hadn't been for the Puppeteer's Shroud. The Undying Chain was an undeniable improvement, so he had high hopes for it.

Moving his gaze lower, he read the armor's description: