
Illusory Castle

After they disembarked at the Castle, Effie bid them farewell and went away, giggling as she walked. Sunny and Nephis stared at her back until she disappeared from view, both not in a hurry to say anything. 

'What do I even say after that?'

Sunny sighed and decided not to say anything. Nephis seemed to be of the same mind. 

…His thoughts, however, were on fire in the wake of Effie's antics. So, while Sunny kept quiet, his imagination was running wild against his better judgment. He did not know what Nephis was thinking about, but he was definitely thinking about all kinds of things that he probably should not have been thinking about. 

He threw a furtive glance at Neph. Was she really calm?

Was he imagining things, or did her cheeks seem a little pink? 

'No, that is definitely my mind playing tricks on me.' 

There was no way Nephis would be phased by mere words. It was just his wishful thinking… it was all Effie's fault!