
Frozen City

The walls of Twilight were tall and imposing, built from stone and reinforced with the scales of powerful Nightmare Creatures. In the dim twilight of the early dawn, they looked like towering black cliffs. However, now, these cliffs were shattered and ruined. Many sections of the wall had collapsed, others had been breached or severely damaged. The corpses of dead abominations piled high, reaching the ramparts in several places.

The siege of Twilight had truly been terrible. 

But what caught Sunny's attention the most was not the devastated state of the city wall, but the eerie nature of the devastation. 

Time was indeed frozen in Twilight. 

Shards of broken stone hung in the air, unmoving. Rivers of blood were like abstract sculptures carved from ruby. Dancing flames had turned into motionless, searing blossoms. 

It was as though some deity had frozen the world in the middle of a fierce battle. 

"We will have to be more careful now."