
Fragile Flowers

Once again, Sunny felt Neph's gentle touch, and a pleasant warmth enveloped his body, washing all his pain away. 

The relief was palpable and exhilarating, dazing him for a short moment. 

Of course, it was darkened by the knowledge that the pain he was liberated from was at least equal, and very likely much inferior, to the pain Nephis endured for his sake in return. 

As the soft radiance enveloping her hands dimmed and was extinguished, she supported the avatar and looked at Master Sunless, who was still sitting at the table. 

Her expression was strangely dark for a moment, and then turned stern.

"...No more of that nonsense." 

Confused, Sunny raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Nephis remained silent for a moment, then sighed deeply and let go of the avatar. 

Patting him on the shoulder, she rose from the floor and walked back to her chair. 

"The sparing me the pain nonsense."