
Fighting the Future

The Sin of Solace flashed through the air, moving with stunning speed. Considering how insidiously sharp the cursed blade was, there was no way for the Drowned to survive the strike… Sunny was so confident that he would see the abomination's head flying away in a rain of blood that he did not even slow down to consider other possibilities. 

And yet, something entirely different happened. 

He missed. 

At the last moment, the Nightmare Creature lowered itself deeper into the water, and the jade sword whistled safely above its head. 


It had been a very long time since Sunny made such an egregious mistake. His swordsmanship was not flawless, since nothing really was. He was a lesser swordsman than Nephis was, true… but who wasn't? Compared to almost every other living human, Sunny was an absolute master. A seasoned warrior with enough talent, skill, and experience to be considered an actual sword saint.