
East Antarctica

East Antarctica was many times larger than the Antarctic Center, both in terms of territory and population. Its landscape was also much more varied, with vast plains, long mountain chains, and numerous lakes that ranged from relatively small to those that were as large as seas.

Somewhere out there, in that cold expanse, twenty-one siege capitals were currently enduring the onslaught of Nightmare Creatures. Each of them was comparable to Falcon Scott in size, and there were close to nine hundred million people protected by their walls.

Sunny was looking into the distance, feeling a bit uncomfortable. In front of him was a vast plain that stretched all the way to the horizon, covered in snow. It was littered by giant boulders that stood like solemn monuments to the ancient past, and cut by countless deep canyons. Here and there, hordes of abominations could be seen, flowing across the plain like dark rivers.