
Basic Logic

A tense silence settled in the opulent residence of the mad sorcerer… who, meanwhile, was staring at Sunny with an indescribable expression on his pale, beautiful face. Noctis didn't seem happy at all despite finally learning the secret that he had been searching for all this time.

In that silence, Kai's hoarse voice suddenly resounded, full of polite curiosity:

"I am very sorry… but that glass knife you are talking about… why exactly do we need it?"

Both Sunny and Noctis turned to him. After an awkward pause, the immortal scratched the back of his head and answered:

"Ah… that thing, you see, is the only thing that can kill Sevras, the blessed of the Sun. And I really, really want to kill him."

Noticing a slight confusion on the archer's face, he thought for a moment, and then added:

"Right, these days people call him Sevirax, the Ivory Lord. You have heard of him, yes?"

Kai lingered for a bit, then looked down at his bandaged hands and said evenly: